Chapter 5

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Before Viggo could say anything else, you head buzzed again. Y/N,you can't like the enemy. I hope Hiccup comes soon. Once more, Viggo snapped you out of thought. "Sorry. Just thinking," Y/N said. Viggo then asked,"What can you tell me about the Dragon eye?" "Nothing. I'm not aloud to touch it or look at it apparently," I said looking down. "I see you like Maces and Talons. I play and I've never lose," you say with a smile. Viggo looks at you and smirks. "Well, my dear Y/N is that a challenge I hear," Viggo asked. "Maybe," you say. Viggo thinks and ask,"What's the exchange may I ask?" You think but can't.
Ryker comes in with Echo so Viggo can send Hiccup a letter. You look at Echo with sad eyes. Echo purrs to you then narrow his eyes at the hunters. Viggo attaches the letter to Echo then leaves to go to Hiccup. Ryker leaves. "I'll untie you so you can play,but run off,pay the price," Viggo said and cut the ropes. You two walk over and sit opposite each other and start. "May the best win," Viggo said and two shacked hands.
After what an hour, you two were tied. Ryker came in and left water and food for both of you. "It's almost night fall. She needs to go back to her cage soon Viggo," Ryker said. "After brother," Viggo said. Ryker stormed out. Finally, Viggo had the game in his hands. You missed something he did and now you were trapped. You sigh in frustration. "You play well my dear,but not well enough to beat me what my game," Viggo said. "I tried," you said. You ate one of the plates of food and drank some water. Viggo did the same and tied your hands again. Viggo called for his brother. "Goodnight Y/N. Till tomorrow," Viggo said as Ryker came in and took you to a cage. After being thrown in, Ryker said,"You're a fool to have challenged my brother to a game he always wins in." You glare at him. "I've never lost a game till tonight Ryker," you said. Ryker just left. You look up through the opening of the cage, looking up at the sky. You didn't know it,but a few tears fell from your eyes. When you realize that you were crying, you told yourself you're Stoick's daughter. A Haddock doesn't cry. You sigh and start singing softly a small song you heard when you were younger.
I'll swim and sail on savage seas with never a fear of drowning and gladly ride the waves of life if you would marry me. No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey. If you will promise me your heart. And love...
You didn't realize someone approach your cage till they started singing the song. It was Viggo.
And love me for eternity. My dearest one,my darling dear your mighty words astound me. But I've no need for mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me.
You look up and smile. Both of you start singing the last few lines together.
But I would bring you rings of gold I'd even sing you poetry and I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me. I only want you near me.
You look at him in embarrassment. "Never have I sang in front of with someone. Sorry," you said looking at Viggo. Who by the way can sing. Viggo laughed and said,"You sing beautifully. Don't worry. Get some sleep. We're playing a bigger version of Maces and Talons tomorrow." With that said, he left you to sleep.
*Hiccup's POV*
Everyone but me were asleep at the Edge. I can't believe she isn't hear. I thought. I got my sister kidnapped by Dragon hunters. I was interpreted by my thoughts when I heard something hit the landing deck. Me and Toothless ran out. I saw Echo. But not Y/N. "Echo," I screamed. I hugged that dragon so hard. Echo was jumping and going in circles. Nodding his head up and down and pointing in a direction. "Relax Echo it's ok," I tried to calm down Echo. Then a saw a letter attached to him. I took it off and read it. It was from Viggo.
Dear Hiccup,
I have your dearest sister. Y/N. I'll give her to you for the Dragon eye. Meet me at Changewing island tomorrow at sunset. If you don't,then I'm keeping her forever.
                                                                                                           -Viggo G.
I gave the letter to Astrid who showed everyone else. "I have to," I said. Then I heard loud foot steps. I looked and saw our father Stoick. I'm dead. I thought. "Hiccup. Where's your sister? Everyone else is up," He said. I looked at Astrid. "Goodnight Hiccup and Chief," everyone said and ran to their huts. I looked at Toothless. He ran back to bed. Chicken. I thought. "That was weird," Stoick said.
" I have to tell you something," I said. I'm dead.

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