Chapter 38

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Once Y/N landed on New Berk and got off Even, she was greeted by Toothless jumping on her and rubbing his head on her. "Hey Toothless! Oh look at you! I've missed you too bud," Y/N said. Toothless got off her and went to make friends with Even. Y/N dusted herself off a little. Hiccup was walking towards her. "Well,I see you got a new dragon again. It's great to see you Y/N," Hiccup said. He hugged her and she hugged back. "His name is Even. It's great to see you too," Y/N said. Hiccup and Y/N started walking while the dragons played.
"The meeting is in two days. Your house is still here. Once a week,I clean it,so it doesn't get bad," Hiccup said. Y/N laughed and said,"Hiccup. You don't have to clean my house." Hiccup sighed. "I know,but it keeps me busy," he said. Y/N knew something was wrong with Hiccup. Y/N caught on when he sighed and realized they were walking towards the cave they found hidden from everyone. Once they were there,Y/N was thinking of when Hiccup bought her to see Toothless and had to keep the secret.
Y/N and Hiccup were running through the forest. Hiccup wanted to show Y/N what he found. "Hiccup! Slow down! I can't run as fast as you," Y/N screamed between breathes. "Come on Y/N! I promise it's worth it," Hiccup screamed back. Finally,they were at a doorway entry way made by rocks. "Do you have a knife or anything on you," Hiccup turned and asked Y/N. "Yeah. Why," Y/N asked. Hiccup said,"You need to leave it here on the ground and grab it once we head back home."
Y/N looked at him strangely. "Ok then," Y/N said. She took her knife out and laid it on the ground. She looked at Hiccup and said,"Ok. Now what?" Hiccup smiled and said,"Follow me." They went through the entry way and it lead to a big open area with a small pond and was enclosed by rocks. There were a few trees and bushes. "So why are we-," Y/N was cut off when Hiccup started walking back with a big dragon following behind him. Y/N was frozen in shock. The dragon looked at her and then Hiccup. Once Hiccup and the dragon were a few feet in front of her, Hiccup said,"Y/N,this is Toothless. Toothless,this is my sister Y/N." Toothless stared at Y/N while she stared back. "Come here," Hiccup said. Hiccup grabbed her hand. "What are you- No," Y/N said,back Hiccup said,"Trust me. Relax. Leave your hand sticking out and let him come to you." Y/N let him stick her arm out. Toothless pressed his face against her hand. Immediately after he took his head, he purred and licked Y/N and tackled her. He started rubbing his head on her and licking her. Y/N just laughed. Hiccup was laughing and said,"He has never done that!" Toothless stopped and went back to Hiccup.
Hiccup took Y/N for a flight around Berk. She was laughing and enjoying every second of it. Once they landed back where Hiccup kept Toothless,Y/N said,"That was amazing. Everything we know about dragons Hiccup,is wrong." Hiccup nodded. They spent awhile longer there before heading back.
*End of Flashback*
"You remember when I bought you to the cove on Berk and showed you Toothless? And we had the time of our lives," Hiccup asked looking at her then sitting down on a near by rock. "I was just thinking about that," Y/N said. She sat next to him.
It was silent between them. Finally,Y/N said,"Ok Hiccup. What's wrong? I've noticed something has been bothering you and you bought me here. What's wrong?" Hiccup sighed and said,"I don't think we're ready for dragons here. I'm surprised they came back so soon. Something isn't right. They should've stayed away longer."
"I completely agree with you. It's strange and there's a lot more Titans showing up too. I've seen two already. Even is one and then I saw a Titan Skrill," Y/N said. Hiccup looked at her in shock and said,"You saw a Titan Skrill?"
"Cherry,Blu,and Thunder follow him. He was like the leaders from that pack of Skrills. But Hiccup,all of them are beautiful and so big now and it's weird to see so many dragons back,"Y/N said. All of a sudden,they heard two familiar roars. Toothless and Even landed near the entrance of the cave and walked over to them. "Hiccup,Toothless is the Alpha. You could tell him that they should go back and they'll follow him," Y/N said. Even laid next to her while Toothless laid in front of Hiccup. "Y/N. You're right,but I feel like something is wrong," Hiccup said. Y/N stood up and helped Hiccup up. Once up, she hugged him and said,"You are the Chief Hiccup. The meeting will be a good time to announce anything." Hiccup sighed and agreed. They walked back to where everyone was gathering for dinner. "You aren't going to say hi Y/N," Valka said behind her. Y/N turned and hugged her mom. "Hi mom. Sorry me and Hiccup were talking," Y/N said. Astrid started to walk over. "Finally. I've been looking for both of you ever since I saw you land," Astrid said. Astrid gave Y/N a hug. "Now whose hungry," Valka said. They laughed and went to go eat with everyone else.

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