Chapter 47

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Once Y/N,Dagur, and Hiccup arrived at New Berk,Hiccup and Y/N quickly went looking for Valka. Dagur went to Y/N's house on New Berk to wait for her. Hiccup and Y/N knocked on the door of Valka's house. She opened and the door and said,"Y/N? Hiccup? You guys can just walk in." Hiccup and Y/N walked in and sat down in chairs. "So,why are you guys here? You guys just don't visit," Valka said and sat down. Y/N sighed and said,"Ok. So,I talked with Viggo and he straight to the point said I was his daughter. Is it true you guys found me out at sea on a boat?" Hiccup placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder. Valka didn't seemed bothered by the question. "Yes we found out at sea as a baby. We weren't aware that Viggo was your father because there was a note with you that said your name and to take care of you. It was signed V.G. At the time we didn't know who that was," Valka said. Y/N sighed and said,"Well,I guess tomorrow I head back and talk with Vig...I mean my father." Valka stood up and hugged Y/N. "You will always be my daughter and Stoick's daughter. You're always a Haddock," Valka said. "And my sister," Hiccup said. Y/N hugged them both and headed to her house to speak with Dagur.
Once she got to her house, Dagur was sitting at the table. When he heard her,he got up and hugged her. They sat down and Y/N started speaking. "So,it is true. I am Viggo's daughter. He is technically your father-in-law now. So,tomorrow I'm going back to Melody island to talk with him and Ryker," Y/N said. Dagur sighed and said,"I'll head back to Berserker island and tell Heather the great news that Viggo is your father and Ryker is your uncle." "Dagur I'm sorry. I know you don't want me to do this because I'm pregnant,but nothing bad will happen. I'll be ok,"Y/N said. She placed a hand on Dagur's face and kissed him. "Let's go to bed dear. Tomorrow is a busy day." The next morning,Y/N and Dagur said bye to Hiccup,Astrid,and Valka. Then,they said bye to my each other before they set off in opposite directions. "By the way,after you talk with them,Viggo and Ryker are more than welcome to stay on Berserker island," Dagur said. Y/N smiled and hugged him. "Thank you love. I'll tell them,"Y/N said. She kissed him and set off to Melody island.
Once Y/N reached Melody Island,she hopped off her boat and started walking to Viggo's tent. While walking she kept hearing sounds around her. Be ready for anything. She looked and saw a shadow behind her. She turned and saw a Slitherwing. Oh no. Just don't touch it or let it bite you Y/N. The Slitherwing roared and three more appeared. "Great," Y/N said. She started running. "Ryker! Viggo," Y/N screamed hoping one would hear her. Out of nowhere,a Slitherwing jumped out in front of her. She fell backwards and landed on the ground.
While trying to fight off the three in front of her,she didn't realize the one behind her. It strike and bit her side. Y/N screamed in pain. All of a sudden,Viggo and Ryker came running and fought off the Slitherwings. "Y/N! Are you ok," Viggo said and ran to her side. Y/N shake her head. "It bit me," she said faintly. "Ryker,we need to get her back to the tent and make the antidote," Viggo said. Viggo picked her up and carried her back.
Viggo laid Y/N on a bed in a spare tent and sat in a chair by her bedside. Ryker went off and started to put things together for the antidote. "Stay with us Y/N. I can't lose you again," Viggo said. He held her hand and waited for Ryker. After a few minutes,Ryker came in with antidote and gave it to Y/N. "Give it a moment to take affect Viggo," Ryker said. Y/N opened her eyes and smiled. "Thank you," she said,but then she groaned and held her stomach. "Something is wrong," Y/N said. She got up and went to what they called the restroom.(Don't know if they said outhouse or bathroom).
After awhile,Y/N walked back with tears. "Y/N? What's wrong," Viggo asked. "The Slitherwing bite my side right and now I'm not having a baby again. How am I supposed to tell Dagur what happened,"Y/N said. Viggo hugged her as she cried into his chest. Ryker went into his tent to give Y/N and Viggo a moment. "It'll be ok after awhile my dear. How about we talk,so your mind isn't focused on it right now," Viggo said.y/N nodded and followed him to his tent. They sat down in chairs and it was silent. "So,would you rather be called father or dad," Y/N asked laughing. Viggo smiled and said,"Whatever you prefer my dear." "Both and Dagur said you guys can come to Berserker island if you want and stay there,so you guys don't have to stay here," Y/N said. "It's getting late. We should probably get some sleep and head back to Berserker island,"Y/N said. Viggo agreed. They hugged and Y/N went to her tent.

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