Chapter 50

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Once Y/N and the Stormcutters reached the Hidden World,she was left on the rocks that outlined the circle of falling water. How do I get back,Y/N thought. She ripped a piece of her skirt and wrapped it around the hole that the arrow made in her leg. Y/N sat there and heard a familiar roar and then a gust of wind hit her. She slowly turned her head. She was staring into the eyes of Toothless. Toothless's eyes narrowed as eye stared back. "Hey Toothless. Remember me," Y/N said. Toothless took a step back and smelled Y/N. He jumped on her once he realized it was her. "I know. It's been awhile,"Y/N said. The light fury just sat on a rock and watched while Toothless and the nightlights played with Y/N. "Ok Toothless. I have to get back home somehow," Y/N said. Toothless roared and random Changewing appeared. "It can hide itself when needed. Thank you Toothless," Y/N said.
Once Y/N was back on Berserker Island,she said bye to the Changewing and watched it vanish before her. She started to make her way to her house. She looked at the docks and noticed a ship from Berk was there. Hiccup?,Y/N thought. The people of Berserker had cleaned the island since the attack. Everyone was just starting to wake up to the new day. Those who saw Y/N smiled,waved,and yelled into their houses,so others knew that the chieftess had returned. Everyone followed her from afar to see what would happen when Dagur and Hiccup saw her again. It's been roughly about three days since she disappeared. Once she reached the door,she knocked. The door open to reveal Hiccup and Dagur. Both of them rushed at her and all three fell to the ground. "Missed you guys too," Y/N said and laughed. They got up and hugged. "We thought we lost you," Dagur said. Y/N laughed. "No. It'll take a lot more than that," Y/N said. "Where's my dad," Y/N asked. Dagur sighed. "You might want to find him in his house," Hiccup said. Y/N ran and knocked on Viggo's door. She heard footsteps. The door opened to show a tired and worn out Ryker. "Y/N? You're back," he said and hugged her. "Yes I am. Where is he Ryker," Y/N said as they walked in and closed the door.
"He-," before re Ryker could finish,Viggo was making his way down the stairs. "Brother,who is at the-," Viggo's eyes met with Y/N's and he ran and hugged her. "See? I always come back," Y/N said and laughed. Viggo looked at her and said,"Why is your skirt torn and the piece wrapped around your leg?" "I might've got hit by a dragon root arrow," Y/N said. Viggo looked at Ryker and Ryker went to get a basket filled with medical stuff. "Sit down. I can treat it before it gets badly infected," Viggo said. Y/N sat down and there was a knock at the door. Viggo answered it and let Hiccup and Dagur in. "What happened to your leg," Hiccup asked. "I might've forgot to mention that I got hit by a dragon root arrow," Y/N said. As Viggo worked on her leg,Y/N explained everything that happened.
"But I think I know the Skrills. I think they might be the Titan wing Skrill and Star,Blu,and Cherry. Jordan said it was a pack of Skrills. They never went to the Hidden World. Plus I saw them recently," Y/N said. She stood up after Viggo wrapped her leg. "So what are you suggesting," Dagur said. Y/N sighed and said,"I'm suggesting that I go to his island,dressed in my chieftess uniform, and talk with him and his wife and help with the Skrills." Dagur,Hiccup,Ryker, and Viggo just stood there and stared at each other. "Rather you guys like it or not,I'm leaving in the morning," Y/N said. She walked out the door and went for a walk. She sighed and started walking down to the beach then walked on a path that lead into the forest. As Y/N walked,she heard something snap behind her. She looked and saw nothing. As she turned,she bumped into something big and scaly. She looked up and realized it was a wild Typhoomerang. "Uhh...hi," she said and slowly moved backwards. The Typhoomerang roared and started running towards her. Y/N screamed and ran. "Hiccup! Dagur,"Y/N screamed as she tried to out run the dragon. She looked above her and saw the other Typhoomerangs.
As she rounded a corner,she ran into a Typhoomerang. It roared and picked her up with its claws. "Not again! Dagur," Y/N screamed. Y/N looked down and saw her house. "Help! Hiccup! Dagur," Y/N screamed. Dagur and Hiccup ran out and saw that a Typhoomerang and others had Y/N. Out of panic,Dagur picked up a rock,aimed, and threw it at the foot of the Typhoomerang. "Dagur! You might've hit her," Hiccup said. "But I didn't," yelled Dagur. The Typhoomerang dropped you. But now you were falling out of the sky,into the water. "Not any better," Y/N screamed. Before Y/N hit the water,something caught her. She looked and it was a Scauldron. "Oh my Thor," Y/N whispered. The Scauldron swam to the docks and dropped Y/N on the dock. Y/N looked at the Scauldron as it took off. "Y/N! You're ok," Dagur ran up and hugged her. She hugged back. "I'm ok," She said. Hiccup ran and said,"Thank Thor you're ok." Dagur let go and said,"What happened?" She explained as they made their way back to the house. "Even with tonight's event,I'm leaving in the morning to Rogue Island to talk with Jordan and his wife,"Y/N said as she placed herself on the bed. "Y/N...what if it isn't Cherry,Blu,Star,and the Titan Skrill? What if it's an actual out of control pack of Skrills," Dagur said. Y/N sighed and sat there. "Then,the worst thing that can happen is things go wrong," Y/N said. She got under the blankets and laid there quietly. She felt Dagur moving and getting under the blankets. He wrapped his arm around her and said,"I love you and I don't want to lose you again. And I'm sure I don't want to lose you forever. I love you." He kissed her and turned the other direction. Tomorrow,she would leave to Rogue Island and try to help them.

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