Chapter 11

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*The gang's POV*
Hiccup got woken up to Toothless licking him. "Bud, too early plus you know that doesn't wash out," Hiccup sighed. Hiccup got up and changed. Toothless was jumping up and down and purring. There was a knock at Hiccup's door. He went down and opened it to see Astrid. "Good morning. When were you and Y/N going for the flight," Hiccup asked. Astrid smiled and said,"After we have breakfast."
Everyone made their way to eat breakfast. Weird. Y/N and Echo are normally here before us. Hiccup thought. Hiccup took a bit and said,"I'll be right back." Toothless followed curiously. Hiccup headed to the stables. When he got there, he saw Echo clawing and whinny at the door. "Hey Echo. Y/N must've slept in. Here," Hiccup said and unlocked the cage. Echo bounced out and around Hiccup. "Now go get Y/N," Hiccup said and laughed when Echo launched towards Y/N's hut. Hiccup went back to eat and Toothless followed. "Where's Y/N," Astrid asked. "Yeah. She's normally here before anyone," Snotlout said. "Yeah." The rest agreed. "She slept in. Echo is getting her," Hiccup said. All of sudden,the hear Echo roar and they run outside. Echo is flying fast towards them before landing. "Hey what's wrong," Hiccup said. Echo roared and shaking his head side to side. Echo launched in the air then picked up Hiccup. "Echo," Hiccup screamed after being put down in front of Y/N's hut. Toothless followed and purred at Hiccup. Toothless sniffed and growled. "Easy bud," Hiccup said. Hiccup went inside and yelled,"Y/N! Y/N! You here?" Echo ran upstairs and roared for Hiccup to follow. Once in Y/N's room, there was a note on her bed.
Dear Hiccup,
Unfortunately, your sister is needed to help me with something. Depending on how she responds to my request will determine if you see her again. Start thinking ahead Hiccup. I promise no harm to Y/N this time.
-Viggo and Ryker G.
Hiccup screamed. "Why Y/N every time and not me?! Viggo," he screamed. Hiccup marched outside and called the gang. Toothless and Echo didn't dare look at Hiccup. "Viggo and Ryker took Y/N last night. We need to find any clues of where they went and how they got on the Edge. Have your dragon fire in the air if you find anything," Hiccup said. Everyone splits up and looks on different parts of the island.
*Time Skipped By Toothless playing*
It was sunset and no one found anything. All of a sudden, fire was shot into the by the beach. Everyone got one their dragons and flew. It was Stormfly and Astrid. "What did you find," Hiccup asked getting off Toothless. "Sets of Footprints," Astrid said. "They took a ship,then boat,got Y/N and left," Hiccup said. Astrid put her hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "We'll get her back. We always do," Astrid said. Hiccup placed his hand on hers and said,"I know. I just worry." "She's brave," Snotlout said. "And tough," Tuffnut and Ruffnut said. "And smart," Fishlegs said. Hiccup smiled and said,"Thanks guys. We leave in the morning to find her."
When I woke up, I couldn't move my hands or feet. Then I heard a rattle. Oh my gods! I hate this! You thought. You felt yourself move a little. Oh...I'm on a ship....wait...I remember now...Viggo and Ryker!!! You sighed angrily and hit your hands on the wall in the cage you were in of the ship. "Don't hurt yourself my dear. You might need your hands later," Viggo said appearing from the shadows. "You know what Viggo,you have a bad habit of sneaking up on people," you said and turned your back to him the best you could. You couldn't see,but Viggo had a disappointing look on his face. "Please listen. A lot has happened within the time you've been asleep. My brother is against me and-," you cut him off. "Wait. You're telling me Ryker,the one who helped you kidnap me is now against you? How long was I out," you asked and turned to him. "A day or so dear. Yes my brother is against and I was going to asked something else from you,but now I ask, will you please help me," Viggo said. "Well,if I had my dragon Echo then sure I'll help,but you left him at the Edge," you said angrily. Viggo looked at you disappointedly. "Sorry. But any other dragon on this ship," you asked. "Well we had a triple strike but Dagur took it," Viggo said. Your heart stopped. Wait...Dagur?! Alive?! How?! Your mind raced. "Where's Dagur and how is he alive," you asked Viggo. Viggo explained and said,"But he disappeared somewhere after." "I'll help you,but you need to convince the others. Especially my brother. And take me back to the Edge so we can help," You said.
Viggo nodded. He unlocked your cage then your hands and feet. Once you stood up and dusted yourself off, you felt arms around you. Viggo was hugging you. You hugged back. Awkward. Awkward. But,it's ok. You thought. "Thank you," he said. This shocked you,but all you said was,"You're Welcome Viggo."
You guys went up to the deck and sailed back to The Edge. I hope Hiccup doesn't go crazy and let's us explain. You thought. This was going to be a long trip.

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