Chapter 34

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It's been a about a year since Y/N and Dagur welcomed Felman to the world. He was walking already and trying to talk. His first word ended up being daddy. Now he can say mama,daddy,and dragon. They didn't want him bonding with a baby dragon yet till he actually started talking in complete sentences. But everything seemed to be going well. Dragons were great nothing wrong. Till one day,a more than enough wild dragons arrived on Berserker Island and change things.
One day, Y/N was making lunch for the family. Dagur was playing with Felman in the living room. "Hey. Hun. When should actually take him to see Hiccup and Astrid and Zephyr and Nuffink again," Dagur asked. Y/N thought for a minute. Ouch. When was the last time Hiccup and Astrid saw Felman? "How about we take a trip tomorrow or the following day down to New Berk," Y/N said. Dagur agreed. Dagur picked up Felman and lifted him into the air. "Does daddy's little boy want to see his uncle and aunt?," Dagur said in a baby voice. Y/N laughed,but stopped when she heard crashing outside. She went to the door and popped her head out. People were screaming and dragons were roaring and firing. Eve and Sleuther growled. Y/N ran upstairs and threw on some armor. Dagur was already in his. "Hey. What're you doing," Dagur asked worried. "Something is wrong and attacking us," she said. She ran out. Eve and Sleuther behind her. When she looked,she saw a group of wild Typhoomerangs. Ordin help us,Y/N thought. She ran inside and told Dagur,"A whole group of wild Typhoomerangs. At least,twelve." Dagur handed Felman to Y/N. "I got it." Dagur was out the door.
Not happening Dagur,Y/N thought. Y/N quickly put Felman down for a nap and carefully,ran out the door to help Dagur. She called Eve and took off into the air. "We need them gone Eve." Eve roared and just fired acid at them. Not on them,but close enough for them to know to back off. "Y/N? Where's Felman," Dagur asked. "Sleeping. Now let's protect our island,"Y/N said. Haddock' share crazy,Dagur thought.
Y/N wasn't paying attention,when a Typhoomerang grabbed her off Eve and another one came in after on top Eve. "AAAAAAGGGGGHHH! DAGUR," Y/N screamed. Dagur looked and saw Eve with a Typhoomerang on top of her on the ground fighting and saw that Y/N had been picked up by one and was being carried off. "Y/N," he screamed. Him and Sleuther flew to get her. "Fire Sleuther! But don't hit Y/N," Dagur said. Sleuther fired. It scared the Typhoomerang and it dropped Y/N. "AAAAAAAAAAA!!! DAGUR," She screamed. Sleuther and Dagur flew as fast as they cloud towards Y/N. "Hold on," Dagur screamed. Sleuther caught Y/N and threw her,so Dagur could catch her. Dagur held Y/N close to him while flying back to Berserker Island. He saw that the Typhoomerang left deep claw marks in Y/N shoulders. "Where's Eve? And Felman," Y/N said. "Felman is at the house and last I saw Eve fighting a Typhoomerang off her back," Dagur said. Sleuther landed in front of their house. Dagur rushed Y/N in,got her bandaged up,and laid her in bed. He checked and Felman who was still asleep. Dagur went out and looked the damage. Houses were burnt and luckily the Typhoomerangs were gone for now. Dagur looked for Eve. Where's Eve? Come'll break her heart if I can't find her,Dagur thought. Finally,he found Eve laying on the back wall of the house. She had claw marks on her back,her side and her wing looked torn. "Oh Eve," Dagur said and kneeled besides her. Eve purred. Sleuther came over and started licked her wounds. Dagur went to get some bandages for Eve. Once he came back,he wrapped her injuries and said,"Come on Eve. Let's at least get you into the house." Eve slowly got up and moved as fast as she could. Sleuther stood next to Eve while Dagur was on the other side to help her. Once inside, Eve laid in her corner near the fireplace. Sleuther laid next to her and they both fell asleep. Dagur quickly sent a terror mail to Hiccup and told him what happened. Dagur yawned and headed to bed. What a day of events,He thought
HELLO LOVELY PEOPLE!!!! Hope you're enjoying the story so far and let me know your guys opinions!💕💕

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