The Banshee Tell

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"What about your emissary?" Scott asked, taking a step of the wall. Ethan just shook his head. "They're all dead? Kali and Ennis' too?"

"All of them except for Deucalion."
"You mean Morrell?" I asked. I never got an answer because, a tearing sound came from Ethan's chest. He brought his hand up to it. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"Not me. My brother."

My feet pick up, almost falling down the stairs. I prayed this was like Actually hurt and not just supper kinky. The soft pound of my rubber soled shoes on the tile was one of the few noises I could hear. When we got to the locker room, Aidan hit Cora over the head with a weight plate. Ethan and Scott held his arms back. As I pushed him father from Cora and Lydia (Who was fine thank god.) On the floor. In a few seconds Aiden dropped the weight plate.

"Hey! You can't do this!" Ethan yelled to his brother.

"She came at me!"

"DOESN'T matter! Kali gave Derek till the next full moon. You can't touch him or her." Ethan grabs his brother and brings him out of the locker room. Scott and I stay still for a minute.

"Guys." Stiles says, making us turn. "I think she's pretty hurt."

Scott does the oh so Scott thing and runs to Cora's side. He puts his hand over hers as his veins turn black. Slowly Cora sits up. She looks around for a second before pushing past all of us and goes to the sink.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked as Cora started to clean the blood off her face.

"She doesn't look okay."

"I'll heal." As soon as Cora takes a step back from the sink she almost falls over. Stiles runs to catch her, but she backs away. "I said I'm fine."

"Do you realize how suicidally crazy that was? What were you think going after them?"

"I did it for Boyd! None of you were doing anything."

"We're trying." Scott says, taking a few steps closer to Cora.

"And you're failing. You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers. Running around, thinking that you can stop people from getting killed."

"SO ARE YOU!" I yell, taking three steps towards the HAle. "You're just a lot more reckless then us. And right now I want to say something like, don't expect us to come everytime you scream. BUt I know we will. So I'll see you the next time you put yourself in a stupid situation." Tears of anger start to form in my eyes. "I hope you heal."

With that I storm out of the locker room not wanting to deal with the youngest Hale. My feet moved before my head. I was walking so fast I didn't even think about the fact that I had opened the door of the School and walked out. I didn't even bother with Lottie and my car. I just keep walking. Walking and walking. I swear I saw Derek and Miss Blake making out.

Soon I found my point of destination. The west most point of town. Look out. I breathed in the air from the higher point of ground. It was sweet, much sweeter than locker room. Closing my eyes I felt a wind pick up as it often does when I'm at look out. I walked over to the ledge. I placed my legs over the sharp rocks and felt my hands move them so they wouldn't cut my skin. A new breaze passed over me, getting my hair caught in my lip gloss. I moved my right hand off the stones. The anger and pain subsided, it was just me and the emaments. I brought my hand up into the air, lighting it on fire. The bright orange light blended with the sun set.

I thought to all those nights with Scott and Isaac. Where both their eyes would light gold in the darkness of the woods. My hand would light a flame. The three of us would do crazy thing. I almost lit Isaac on fire because he scared the crap out of me. And a time Scott almost knocked me off the cliff. The three of us didn't care what happened, we had the right to be crazy and powerful, I mean once I locked Scott in a ring of fire. We didn't need to be human, we didn't want to be human. There was no one else around, even Lottie and Stiles never came with us.

Protector Of Worlds ~ Teen wolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora