Regrets - Part 2

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Summary: I know, I know, it's been a while since I uploaded the first part. But here's part 2 as I promised!

Bellamy couldn't sleep. He hadn't slept for days. He lay awake, listening to the wind pushing and pulling his tent. 

His conversation with Clarke had been over a month ago. Three weeks later he had broken it off with Echo. 

He had loved her, he really had. But when he had put his heart on the line, really put it out there, he had turned her down and told him she wasn't ready for that type of commitment. Echo was not as serious about the commitment as Bellamy was, and that broke him. 

Echo had been his last shot. After the heartfelt and devastating moment between him and Clarke, where she'd turned him down, Echo had been his last shot at love. 

And it sounded dumb because he wasn't even that old. But being in his late 20's, Bellamy wanted a serious commitment. He wanted someone who was as committed to him as he was to her, so they could build a life together. A family. 

He knew that his opportunity for being with Clarke was over. His feelings had been building up over so many years - creeping up on him slowly, then swallowing him whole with just a glance at Clarke and a voice in his head. 

"Shit. I'm in love with her, aren't I?"

Or, well, he thought the opportunity was over until a month ago when Clarke had laid out her feelings. 

But he had finally found something he thought was steady with Echo, and going after Clarke would be a risk he didn't dare take. 

But everything had changed. He thought his relationship with Echo was steady, but it wasn't. She hadn't only been a distraction from Clarke and his feelings towards her, he had actually loved her. 

All that was lost now. And he couldn't deny the overwhelming amount of feelings towards Clarke. It was undeniable chemistry. Build up over many years of friendship and understanding. They needed each other as much as they needed oxygen. 

"Bellamy?" The voice was a faint whisper, but there was no way he could overhear it. 

Bellamy pushed himself up from the bed and made his way to the entrance, opening it to reveal Clarke. 

"Clarke? What are you doing here?" He asked, gesturing for her to come inside. It was pouring rain, and she was already soaked just from walking 51 feet from her tent to his. 

"I-" She hesitated. "I wanted to talk to you."

"Is something wrong?" He asked, immediately worrying. Why else would she be here at this hour?

She shook her head and sighed. He let her take her time before she spoke. 

"I'm sorry." She finally said, raising her gaze to meet Bellamy's. 

"What? What are you apologizing for?" His brows furrowed and his arms crossed, studying the blonde girl in front of him. 

She sat down on the edge of his bed. "For what I said those weeks ago," She didn't need to be more precise than that, he knew exactly what she was talking about. 

"You didn't mean what you said?" He asked too quickly for him not to sound nervous. 

Clarke looked everywhere but at Bellamy. "I did." She swallowed. 

"I just- I'm sorry for the time I said it." She wrapped her arms around herself, almost as if she wanted to just hide. She had been so embarrassed. How could she be so dumb? Her opportunity had long been lost. 

"I knew that you were with Echo and that you were happy." Her voice cracked at the last word, her eyes getting wet. 

"I should have kept those thoughts to myself. All I want is to see you happy, Bellamy." She dared look at him. His gaze was as glued to her, with no words forming and without the ability to really react to her words. He was stunned. 

"And if you finally found happiness with Echo I should not have said those words. Almost begging you to give me a chance when I knew you were in a relationship. I'm sorry, Bellamy."

Clarke had no more to say, didn't know what else to say. An awkward silence fell around them when Bellamy couldn't form a response. 

Everything Clarke had said was true, that was how she had been feeling. She had gotten over it. Almost. She had accepted that her chance with Bellamy was lost. She had been too late, and there was nothing she could do about but curse herself about it for the rest of her life. 

"Well, if you don't have anything to say I'll just-" She said, motioning towards the entrance. When Bellamy didn't say anything, she stood up and made her way through the small room. 

But before she could walk away a hand gripped her lower arm, pulling her back. Before she could react Bellamy's lips had collided with hers. 

His arm found her lower back, pulling her closer. 

She held onto him, his warmth overwhelming her. Was it possible to stay in one moment forever?

Bellamy broke the kiss, stroking Clarke's hair. 

"I will only be happy if it's with you." He spoke, his voice hoarse. 

She smiled before pulling his head back down to meet hers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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