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Summary: This is the saddest shit I've ever written, so just like, prepare yourself, cause it won't end well. I kind of hate myself for writing this, because I'm sad now. 

This was inspired a lot by The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare (some really good books if you're interested)

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This was inspired a lot by The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare (some really good books if you're interested)

Clarke had never thought her life would come to this. They had survived on Earth for so long, she had survived alone with Madi. That was many years ago, but Clarke remembered every bit of it. 

When Bellamy had finally come down on Earth again, she was so relieved. She needed him by her side. She didn't know two people could be bound together so strongly. 

Because what was one of them really without the other? 

But Clarke knew she would have to be alone soon. Without Bellamy by her side. 

He had caught some kind of decease that they had found no cure for. He had lived with it for so many years, and it was slowly killing him. Taking a bit more of his strength every time he took a breath. 

Clarke had spent every day searching for a cure, but nothing seemed to work, and Bellamy had accepted that even though Clarke hadn't. 

For the past week, he had been laying in his bed. Clarke wanted to be with him every second of, but having visitors drained his energy, so she wasn't allowed to see him that much. 

She remembered how she had felt when Bellamy came back with Echo. Clarke had realized that her love for him was far from platonic. It had gone slow, but their relationship had formed, and it was magical. 

Everything she had ever hoped for, he was the lost part of her heart. The fear of losing the other was present every day, it wasn't exactly a safe environment. 

Of course, she had thought about what would happen if Bellamy died, but he was strong, so it wasn't until recently she realized that it might actually be happening. 

"Hey," She smiled down at him as she entered. 

"Hey," His eyes lit up as he smiled weakly. He was paler than ever. 

Clarke swallowed. "How are you holding up?" She sat down on the chair beside his bed. 

"Better than ever," He coughed as he finished the sentence and reached out for her hand. 

"Sure," She smiled teasingly at him, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Clarke," He said, suddenly sounding very serious, which Clarke didn't like one bit. 

"What?" She asked, caressing his hand. 

"We both know - everyone knows that I don't have a lot of time left." He started but paused to catch his breath. 

"Let's not-" Clarke tried, but was cut off. 

Tears welled up in Bellamy's eyes. "I am so tired. Every breath I take is a fight, just to say these words, I-" He stopped. 

Clarke's vision became blurry. 

"I have lived for Octavia, and then I lived for you because I wanted to be with you, to spend my life with you. And I have done that, Clarke, and it was a blessing to wake up to your face every day," He paused, smiling slightly. 

Clarke was at a loss for words, she just sat there, taking in his every feature as she had done so many times before. 

"But I can't live for everyone else's sake forever. I won't give up without a fight. And if you say, you need me, then I'll stay for as long as I can for you, but it won't be a very long time." He continued. 

Clarke felt tears rolling down her cheeks. She stroked his hair. 

"I will spend each of your last breaths with you. I will be here till the end, Bellamy." She promised as she placed her forehead against his. 

Bellamy closed his eyes. 

They spent the rest of the evening talking about all the good memories they had shared, remembering each one of them. 

There they were, two soulmates beside each other. 

A lot of their friends had visited Bellamy that day. To say goodbye. Clarke sat beside him with his head on her shoulder, and his hand in hers. Madi had come too and had spent a few hours with her parents. 

At last, people had left to let them be alone. 

Bellamy had opened his brown eyes and smiled before he took his last breath. He died with his head on Clarke's shoulder and his hand clutching hers tightly. 

"If there is a life after this one, let me meet you in it, Bellamy," 

Clarke found it hard for herself to leave even though his heart was no longer beating. She left when some of the others came in to check on him, and she couldn't bear watching them take him away. 

She felt like her soul and heart had been ripped apart. She had decided to take a long walk, needing to get away from everyone and just be herself. 

She was a well of emotions. Anger, sadness, happiness over all the memories they had shared. She wanted to remember the strong and loving Bellamy that she had always known. He had been strong until the last minute, until the last second. 

Tears were running down her face, and all she wanted was to find Bellamy so she could embrace him again. But that was no longer an opportunity. She stopped as she was standing on a hill, overlooking the rest of the woods. 

They felt endless, and the thought that Bellamy was no longer in this world was unbearable. 

"I've said it before, Bellamy," She began, speaking out loud. 

"You can't leave me, you're still with me, you will always be." Her words almost drowned in her sobs. 

"When I breathe, I will think of you, because without you in my life I would've been dead a long time ago." She was shaking, but still speaking loudly, knowing he would hear her. 

"When I wake up, and when I fall asleep," She took a shaky breath. "When I raise my hand to defend myself, or when I lay down to die, you will be with me."

She paused for a moment. "You hear that, Bellamy?" She yelled, letting go of the little control she had left. She was clutching her hands over her heart. 

"We are bound, you and I," 

"Forever." She whispered as she broke down on the ground, sobbing her heart out. 

I'm fucking crying, damn. I wish this never happens on the show.  

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