No Distractions

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Summary: They're at war with the grounders. Clarke and Bellamy had earlier acted out on some not so platonic feelings between them, but they decided it was best if there were no distractions. 

(This was inspired by a scene from the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard, it's reaalllyyy good;))

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(This was inspired by a scene from the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard, it's reaalllyyy good;))

The war was no longer a new feeling. They had been fighting for weeks, months. Both sides had suffered. At the beginning of the war, she had often found herself with Bellamy. Taking a walk in the woods or kissing in his tent, but as the war grew, and more was expected from both of them, they decided it would be for the best if they put things aside for a while. 

Clarke had been watching him from afar. She hadn't spoken much with him, all they discussed was politics and war. 

Their differences had shown clearly, and even though they had a common goal - to end the war and find peace with the grounders - they often disagreed. 

This had distanced them even more from each other. The war was all-consuming. It took every minute of their thoughts, every second of the day, every inch of their worries. 

Clarke and Bellamy had suddenly become the leaders of their people. Clarke didn't like to be in control. So many people depended on her actions. She did what had to be done now that her people had made her represent them along with Bellamy. Even though the rest of the Ark - or most of them - had come down to Earth, it still seemed that the leadership rested on Bellamy and Clarke's shoulders. 

The war had changed Bellamy, he liked being a leader. Maybe he was just born to rule. Maybe the war had blinded him. He could certainly be very determined. 

Now, Clarke was standing in Bellamy's tent for the first time in a long while. Not to do anything they used to, though. She was there purely to discuss war strategy. 

But the conversation had very quickly taken a more personal turn. 

"But you still want more power," Clarke spoke, she almost sounded more annoyed than she intended to. 

"No," Bellamy sighed. "That's not what this is,"

"When the scouts got caught they tortured them till they gave up and died," Clarke accused, she didn't know what she was doing. She knew she shouldn't be saying it like that, it wasn't meant to sound like she accused him. 

A deep sadness fell over his face. "I never asked for that, it wasn't my fault. I never wanted that to happen." 

"Then what do you want?" Clarke asked him. Bellamy wasn't as determined as usual, and Clarke hoped the question would get him back on track, clear his head. 

They weren't standing that far apart, they could reach out and touch each other. 

He shifted his eyes from the ground and looked up at Clarke. There was only one thing he was certain he wanted. She stared back into his eyes, waiting impatiently for his response. 

"You," He spoke without breaking their gaze. He wanted her to know that he meant it. He took a step closer as he softly grabbed her hand. 

"I am in love with you, and I want you more than anything else in the world," Bellamy continued, holding himself back as much as he could, even though he wanted to pull her closer right at that second. 

His eyes were all that Clarke could see. They were so close to her, so eager. She hadn't expected those words from him, he had never spoken them to her before. 

They were said now, and there was no turning back. 

"I love you," Clarke whispered back to him, she had never meant anything that much. She leaned forward until she could feel her forehead against his, their noses brushing against each other. 

Clarke could feel eyelashes flutter on her cheek that was not her own. 

"Promise me. Promise me you won't leave," She said, and Bellamy could feel her breath on his face. 

"I promise," He said, his grab on her arm tightened, assuring her. 

Clarke closed her eyes, those words were all she wanted to hear. 

"Remember when we said no distractions?" She asked, placing her hand on his upper arm. 

Bellamy pulled their faces apart, only a very small bit, though, just so he could look at her face. 

"Yes," He answered with a rough voice as he ran a blazing finger over the side of Clarke's face. 

"Distract me," She said, sounding more sure than ever. 

With those words, Bellamy pulled her closer until his lips met hers. He grabbed her by the waist so no air was left between them. 

The feeling of Bellamy's lips against Clarke's was the best thing in the world. For a while, the let them distract themselves from war and strategy. What mattered at that moment was Bellamy and Clarke, in each others arms. 

Bellamy broke the kiss shortly so he, with a heavy breath, could pull Clarke's shirt over her head before pushing her towards his bed. 

Uufff, is it hot in here or what?

I just want to say thank you to everyone who's reading, voting and commenting on this story. You are very welcome to send me ideas or prompts or whatever, and then I'll see what I can do;)

Bellarke One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora