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Summary: The team that was to take over Mount Weather split up, which leaves Bellamy and Clarke alone together;) Also, part 2 of "Regrets" will come! Soon, hopefully, if I'm not too busy with exams. Inspired by The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer.

"Are you mad at me?" Bellamy asked her as he followed her down the long corridor. They were in enemy territory, but if all went as planned, all guards would be on the other side of the mountain. 

Mad? No. Maybe just a little bit. She had been angry with him for so long. He flirted with everyone else except her. Like she wasn't worth it.

Clarke didn't want to admit the jealousy she felt. Could he really think every other girl except her was gorgeous?

"Clarke, I-" A guard blocked their way, stopping them in their tracks. Clarke's heart jumped with surprise and worry. 

Bellamy opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't find the words. 

"We are asking everyone to go to the southern conference hall, the speech will begin shortly. Please continue this way." The guard spoke, gesturing down another hall. 

Bellamy put his arm around Clarke's shoulder. "Of course, thank you very much, sir." He spoke, thankful to the clothes that disguised them as just two other citizens of the mountain. 

The hall they moved into was quieter. "Stop," Bellamy whispered as Clarke once again stopped in her tracks. 

She let Bellamy back her against the wall. He was much too close to her for her liking, and to everyone else, it looked like they were having an intimate conversation, but Clarke just wanted to kick him in the balls. 

Clarke sighed impatiently. 

"I know you're upset, but could you not be for a moment? Just pretend not to be angry." Bellamy spoke while looking over his shoulder, figuring out where to go. 

Clarke smiled sarcastically at him. "I'm a girl too, you know. I might not be as brave as Raven or as pretty as Gina-"


"I'm not invisible! But you will flirt with anyone that as much as looks at you."Clarke stated, unable to restrain her anger. 

A heavy silence hung between them, and none of them knew what to say. Until Bellamy reached behind her and opened a door. 

Clarke stumbled for a moment but quickly gathered herself as Bellamy rushed her into the room. It was small and empty, some kind of office. 

She walked over to the other end of the room, longing for more space between her and Bellamy. 

She sighed when Bellamy came her way. 

"I just-" He started again, his fingers brushing her arm. She jerked away from him. 

Despite his best attempts to keep her from falling for him, she couldn't help herself. 

"No, don't. I shouldn't have said that, it wasn't fair of me." She spoke, refusing to look at him. 

Clarke hated herself. She had laid all her feelings out on the table now, all for him to see. She would rather stuff them away in the dark space of her heart. 

"We will not have to wait here for long, just for a few more minutes then we can move out into the hall again," Bellamy stated to break the awkward silence. 

Clarke nodded. She felt Bellamy's worrying gaze one her. 

"I'm fine, I just don't want to talk about it." 

Bellamy was standing against the door, respecting the distance Clarke needed. 

"That's fine, I don't want to talk either," He spoke. 

Clarke sighed with relief but was confused when he pushed away from the door. 

She stepped back until she couldn't get further, her thighs pressing against one of the desks. 

"What-?" She began, but couldn't continue. 

In one swift movement, Bellamy had lifted her onto the desk. Clarke had no time to think before his lips collided with hers. 

The kiss was determined, passionate, sending an unfamiliar shiver down her spine. Bellamy pulled her closer and she could feel his fingers burning at her waist. 

She heard a moan but it could have come from either of them. 

The kiss broke when they both desperately needed air. Clarke was afraid that Bellamy would just move away, telling her it was time to go back out into the hall. She knew she wouldn't be able to walk two steps on her wobbly legs. 

But he didn't move away, he left only a few inches between them, staring into her eyes. 

"Clarke," He started, his voice hoarse. 

Clarke forced herself to move her hands from his hair and placed them on his chest instead. 

"This is not what I wanted." She spoke, looking down. 

"Well, it is. But I don't want to be just another girl, Bellamy. It doesn't work like that." She continued. 

Bellamy's smile faded. "It's you, Clarke." 

She looked up at him again, suddenly confused. 

"You could never be just another girl." He said. 

And for some reason, she believed him. He looked almost vulnerable like he had laid out all his feelings like she laid out hers. 

I don't know if I like this, but that's ok. 

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