Fake Dating - Part 3

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After they all went back inside and got their hot cocoa, it was time to exchange gifts

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After they all went back inside and got their hot cocoa, it was time to exchange gifts. 

"I'll start!" Atom blurted out. 

"This is for you, Anya," He started and handed her a package. She opened it and smiled happily and showed them the baby clothing along with the wine he had bought for her. 

He handed around his gifts until only Clarke was left. 

"And now, for you," He said and winked at her. Clarke tried not to throw up. 

He handed her a small box. She opened it to reveal a pair of gold earrings. 

They were bigger than the earrings she usually wore and had some kind of weird pattern in the middle. 

"Thanks," She smiled, trying to be polite. They were not her style at all. 

"I knew you would love them," He smiled. Clarke forced herself to smile even though she knew she would never wear them. 

It was still nice of him of course, it was just not her style. 

They continued by handing out gifts. Clarke felt so joyful as she watched her family members exchange gifts. The smile on someone's face when they opened something she had bought them was one of her favorite things. 

Bellamy was sitting beside Clarke. Clarke's parents had been generous and bought him a gift even though they didn't really know he would be coming for Christmas. 

Bellamy too had bought them something. 

Bellamy was happy that he had decided to go with Clarke. Her family was nice and he had had a great time. 

He had never spent so much time with Clarke's before. Maybe that was also why this heart-racing feeling he had with her was so new to him. 

"Here," Clarke handed him a box. It was a rather large box, about the size of a shoebox. 

He opened it and immediately smiled. There were a few snacks that he guessed were Canadian, along with a snowball - one of those that you can shake - which showed a cabin, that was much like Clarke's parents'. Two figures were standing in the middle, a blonde girl and a boy with dark hair. 

"Now you can never forget about this trip. Anyway, look underneath all the stuff," Clarke smiled at him. 

He smiled back at her for a second before pulling a t-shirt up from the bottom of the box. 

It read: 'Whatever the hell we want'. It had pretty much been his motto ever since Clarke met him. 

He chuckled and looked back at her. "Thank you so much, you shouldn't have done that," He smiled. 

She had even gotten a snowball with them inside, he knew she had put work into it. 

"I have something for you too," He smiled as she handed her a smaller box. 

It was a silver bracelet with a crown and a heart. 

"Because your nickname for me always have been princess, huh?" She smiled. It was so pretty, and she completely adored it. 

"Yeah," He hesitated with the next part, but said it anyway. "Because the princess owns my heart," 

Clarke smiled up at him as the rest were watching them. 

They all pretty much spent the rest of the day talking and having fun. 

"Do you wanna take a walk?" Bellamy asked when they arrived in their room that night.  

"Alright," Clarke smiled. 

They went outside. Clarke was not in the best mood, as something had been playing on her mind for most of the day. 

"Do you often take your fake girlfriends for romantic walks in the snow?" She asked, even though she felt so stupid when those words left her mouth. 

"What?" Bellamy asked, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"Nothing, it's stupid," Clarke sighed. Bellamy was curious to ask about it again, but he let it be.

The snow was still falling, and Clarke watched as the snowflakes landed on the ground. 

"I remember when I first got to know you, you were sleeping with a lot, weren't you?" Clarke said in a slightly happier tone. 

"I mean, it must happen a lot, women throwing themselves at your feet," She continued as they walked down the empty street. 

"Men too sometimes," Bellamy answered, cocky as he sometimes was. 

"What about you? A woman with your intelligence and beauty must have men throwing themselves at you." He asked.

"Not so much," Clarke chuckled slightly. "My last boyfriend was Finn, remember him?" She asked. 

"That is almost 2 years ago!" Bellamy's eyes widened, he almost couldn't believe she hadn't been in a relationship since. 

They walked a moment in silence until Clarke stopped in front of Bellamy. 

She looked up at him. "Bellamy, there's something I need to tell you." She spoke, but just a second after she could feel his warm lips on hers. 

He tasted like cocoa, and his warmth made Clarke's cold body melt. 

It was a short kiss, and they pulled apart again. 

Their eyes were glued to each other. 

"What was it that you wanted to tell me?" Bellamy asked, his voice slightly hoarse. 

"This," She answered and pulled his face back down to hers. 

Again, their lips met each other. 

One of Bellamy's hands rested on the side of Clarke's head as the other found her waist. 

He hadn't realized how he had been wanting to do that for years. Wanted to keep her close, kiss her as she kissed him back. 

The kiss was filled with passion. 

"I like you, Clarke," Bellamy said once they pulled apart again. "I like you a lot. Actually, I think I love you," 

She chuckled. "I feel the same way," 

Both of their smiles widened as they looked into each other's eyes. 

Clarke gently ran her hand along his upper arm as he softly caressed her forehead and cheek. 

Never in her life had she thought that Bellamy Blake would be the person she found happiness with. 

When they first got to know each other through Octavia, he had girls over at his apartment very often, and he didn't even try to keep it secret. 

He had matured the latest years, and when they finally both realized what they felt for each other, there was nothing that could keep them apart. 

They had found the love that had been building up for years, and none of them had ever been happier.

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