Chapter 2: Butterfly

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Asa is playing in the woods, picking flowers, and making daisy chains with Raven nearby. Right now, she's after a beautiful monarch butterfly, who was quite fast and difficult for Asa to get her hands on. As she ran over the little hills and rocks, the butterfly flew higher and higher into the air, making it more difficult for Asa to reach. But she was not a child who gave up easily. She was determined to catch this monarch. She just wanted to touch its silky wings that were decorated with bright orange and black designs. Just to feel is dainty little legs on her fingers.

She journeyed deeper and deeper into the forest. The parts of the forest she was specifically told not to go. The dark, thorny part of the woods. But little Asa wasn't paying attention to where she was, just where the butterfly was going. But even the butterfly wouldn't dare go here.

"Ow!" Asa had snagged her hair on one of the thorny weeds. She attempted to release her hair from the plant but only pricked her finger, in which she yelped in reply. Finally she was able to get her hair untangled with the acceptation of a few scratches from the prickers. Asa looked around and realized she was exactly where she wasn't suppose to be. "Uh-oh."

Asa had no idea where she was. She had never been to what Raven called the "scary part" of Thornbrook. She didn't know where to go or what to do. She felt so vulnerable and to be honest she was. After all, dragons can smell blood from miles away, and because she pricked her fingers, she was bleeding. Asa didn't know this of course, and I'm sure if she did she would be far more terrified.

If Asa got one more cut, there was a possibility even more dragons would come rushing to her, not that some probably were already on their way. But she was surrounded by pricker bushes! There would be a slim chance Asa could find an exit to the bushes and not cut herself in the process. Of course there was an exit, a small, skinny one that only Asa could get through. She rushed out, tarring both her clothing and skin in the process. She got out and looked back at the thorn bushes she was surrounded by moments earlier.

Suddenly, there was a huff of hot air behind her. Smokey air that curled around her and made her cough. Now Asa was really scared. She slowly turned around and saw it was a huge, fiery, Monstrous Nightmare.

Mean while, Raven was back from where Asa came from, picking berries and herbs. She jumped when she heard a blood curdling shriek that echoed in the distance. "Asa?" She called. "Asa?" When she got no reply, she was horrified. She dropped her basket and ran after her sister.

In the dark part of Thornbrook, Asa was running from the Nightmare as it chased after her. As she ran, tears were spilling from her eyes. The only reason Asa was still alive, was that she kept hiding until the dragon found her again. Suddenly, a dragon had the back of her shirt and was now carrying her somewhere. "Please don't hurt me!" Asa begged. The dragon ran behind a fallen tree when the Nightmare wasn't looking and lost it. As the dragon stomped by the tree, the dragon that had captured Asa growled. "What are you gonna do with me now?" Asa whispered. The dragon ran off again, now knowing the other dragon, wasn't standing in it's way. "It's probably gonna take me to its cave and eat me." Asa thought. But instead the dragon ran into the "safe part" of the forest. The part where Asa was suppose to be.

It dropped her, and she saw the dragon that had been carrying her around was a Night Fury. It sat down, and Asa starred at it. The dragon instantly morphed into Raven, who was on her knees and seemed upset.

"Oh, I was worried sick about you!" Raven stood up and hugged her sister. "How did you end up in the "scary part" of Thornbrook?"

Asa pulled away. "I-I didn't mean to." She stuttered. "I was just chasing a butterfly, and I ended up in there." She pointed to the dark forest. "Please don't be mad at me."

"Well you should have been watching where that butterfly was going!" She held Asa's hands. "Just, please, please,please be very careful!"

"...I will. I promise!"

Raven let go of her hands and noticed they where covered in blood from Asa's hands. "No wonder that Nightmare found her." Raven thought. "Come on. Lets go home and get you're hands cleaned up. You're a mess."


Tell me if ya like this or not. Sorry for the poor dialogue in this chapter, but Raven needs to talk to her sister in a simple way with simple words so Asa will "get it"

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