Chapter 10: Are There Any Others?

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"Well, well, well, look who we have here." Eret said after Valka and I landed on his ship. "The dragon thief, and-oh we meet again...Raven."

I changed back. "You still remember me?" I questioned.

"Would I forget the first Shifter I ever met?"

"After all these years, yes."

"I thought the same about you."

There was a silence of us just starring at each other, until I heard a call behind me. I turned around to see a young Skrill coming. "No, no, no, no." I flew off and said to the Skrill: "Asa, what are you doing here?"

"It got boring at the sanctuary."

"But you know better! How many times have Valka and I told you not to fallow us when we rescue dragons?! Besides, can't you see I'm in the middle of something?!" I gestured to the ship I was on moments earlier.

"Is that who I think it is?"

"Yes! And if you doing get out of here soon they'll kill you! Either that or I will!"

"But I don't know how to get back! I fallowed your sent here!"

"Than fallow your sent back home!" I began to fly back until Asa started again.


"Now, Asa!"

She was offended by my statement. "Since when did you become my mother?"


"What? What can you do to me? Yeah, that's right! Nothing! Because you can't kill your family members! That's the dragon law, and that law also includes Shifters!"

As much as I didn't want to admit it she had a point. I glanced at Valka, and instantly she knew what I was gonna ask her. She hopped on Cloudjumper and took Asa back to the sanctuary.

I landed on the ship, turning back and said:

"Ok look: I don't want any trouble, now we can do this the easy way of the hard way. Your choice."


"Valka! Asa! I'm home!" I shouted as I walked into the main room, where Valka was fixing dinner.

"Thank gods you had a home to come back to." She says.

"Why? You thought I was dead?"

"Well, 1 Shifter vs. 15 trappers? Yes, there was a possibility you weren't coming back."

I gave a sarcastic smile and said: "Thank you for summing that up." (She just stole Hiccup's line!!) "Now where is that little brat?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

She laughed. "You're lucky Asa is asleep."

"Oh, thank Thor!"


The moon replaced the sun in the dark night sky. I look up at the stars and imagine hundreds of Night Furies flying across the sky. Which makes me wonder: Are there any other Night Furies? If there is, where are they? And if not? What happened them?

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