Chapter 35: Escape From Thornbrook

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Third Person

(picking up from previous chapter.)

If Eret would have ran any faster from Raven, he would have triped and fell. He was grateful Raven was hung up trying to figure out where he went. She couldn't see through the smoke and flames that she had made herself. 

Though, he had no idea where he was running to. He felt stupid fleeing from her. He wasn't one to run away. But he was the only one left and needed to stay alive for the others who died because of her. He was doing this for them. 

Meanwhile, Raven had found another way around and was fallowing Eret. As much as she wanted to kill him right then, she wanted to wait till he got tired and was vulnerable. 

"Just wait," She thought. "Be patent."

Eret began to see something that might as well save his life. The shore. If there was a beach, Hiccup possibly could be there.

"But what if he isn't?" He thought. "I'll be trapped."  He stopped and turned around. "I know you're there, Raven." He said and got ready for a fight. It was now or never. This needed to end.  "Come on out."

Raven did exactly this. "Do you want me to kill you?" She asked. "Because I'll do it with pleasure."

"No." He drew out his sword. "I just wanna make a deal."


"If you win, you kill me. I if I win, you stop using your powers and become good again."

"Hmm, deal."

As you can tell this would not be much of a "clean" fight if you know what I mean. I'd rather not describe it so I'll just skip to the end.  It ended with Raven having slash marks all over and for Eret, it was burns. There was no winner. Raven had almost killed him but he was able to escape to the beach. Naturally, she went after him.

"Eret is that you?" A familiar female voice a head of him said.

He looked around and saw a boat with several people on it.  "What? Astrid?" He replied.

"Come on let's get you out of here." Hiccup said. Eret ran to the ship as fast as possible, but Raven was right behind him. "Go! Go! Get the boat in the water!" He shouted. They did what he said.

The sand was slowing him down. Raven was catching up to him. But he was nearly there.

"Maybe we should help him, Hiccup." Astrid suggested. "I mean he looks like he needs it."

Right after she said that, was when Eret climbed aboard. "Come on let's get out of here! Quick!" He demanded.

By the time Raven had reached the edge of the shore, they had expected her to turn into a Night Fury and come after them but instead, she didn't.

"I'll let you go this time! But I'll be back!" She shouted. "And when I am, I'll kill you all!"


"So Eret," Snotlout started half way to Berk. "We came to rescue you. Why is that?"

"Oh, I don't know maybe because my sister had gone insane and killed everyone." He replied, half sarcastic.

Snotlout gave no reply.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Eret said. "Thank you, Hiccup, Astrid, for coming for me."

"No problem." Astrid smirked.

"By the way, why didn't you take the dragons?"

"They got sick. But it's not deadly, and we know were to find the cure, so as soon as we get back to Berk we're gonna heal them." Hiccup replied.

"Do you really think Raven is gonna come back?" Fishlegs asked, a bit scared.

"I don't know." Tuffnut smiled. "But I hope she does. Just think of all the destruction? Pure awesomeness!"

"You might wanna rethink that." Eret stated. "Raven's power is more sinister than you think. It really can't do any good. Just evil."

"Yeah, that's exactly why we want her to come back." Ruffnut said.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I really have to agree." Snotlout added. "Is it me or did Raven get a whole lot hotter."

Astrid joined in. "Yup, just not in the way you're thinking of."

Hiccup had, had enough."Guys, why don't we just forget about Raven, ok? It would make our lives a whole lot easier in my opinion." 

The others kept they're mouths shut about Raven the rest of the way back to Berk. 

Though she almost tried to kill him, Eret would never forget about Raven. I guess what I mean by that is that, he will never stop caring about her.

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