Chapter 16: Siblings

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It's been 2 months since I came to Berk. It's great! Even better than the sanctuary. Toothless and I are best friends. Hiccup said I was a new member of "the gang" now. I'm so happy everyone accepts me as a Shifter. It's truly great. It makes my life so much easier. Really it does. I never thought I would have this: Friends, people who I don't feel threatened by, dragons that get along with humans. It's wonderful. I think maybe....just maybe....I'm happy.


"It feels good to actually talk to you without you trying to kill me." I say to Eret as we throw rocks in the cove pond. (I know I did this in Me and My Night Fury Wings but it's just a good way for them to do something and have a conversation, you know?)

"You too." He replied.

I thought about the time when I found out he was a "bad guy" and a question came up. "How did you know about Shifters? Most people don't know what they are."

He stopped and so did I. ".........When I was a baby I think......I was taken away right after the birth of my sister who was a Shifter. My parents knew about her and they told me but I really didn't understand at the time."

"How did you remember that if you were so little?"

"For some reason I can remember every second of my life."

"That must be a good thing to have."

"It is."

"..............How old was your sister when you were taken away?"

"Just a couple days old."

".............Well that's.......That's creepy parents told me I had a........a brother that was taken away.........right after I was born."

We both looked at each other. We were thinking the same thing. His jaw dropped and so did mine. "You've got to be kidding me." He said.

" can't be......if you have the same story.......than that means your my........"

"......your my sister!"

"And your my brother!"

I never thought this would ever happen. But I guess you already know that. But I'm sure you didn't think out of all the people in the world that could be my brother it was Eret. I didn't even think about my long lost brother that would probably be dead. But he never was, he was right in front of me, which was the scary part. Everything felt weird now. He was the one who tried to take Asa away from me. The one who I hated. My enemy. The one who kept me in a dark room for a year! This guy was my sibling.


Yeah, you didn't see that coming! And if you were thinking Eret and Raven would be a couple than as you can see now they can't! Unless you think that I would do (in my opinion) one of those sick brotherXsister things. No, I think that's just flat out wrong.

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