Chapter 32: 1 is Tragic 2 is a War

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Third Person

"Why'd you do it Raven?" Derive shouted. "Why'd you kill Asa?"

"Because she deserved to die!"

"What did she ever do to you?" Eret yelled.

"You'll never get it!" Raven had no idea why she did it. Her powers were controlling her, she wasn't controlling them and she liked that even thought she was completely unaware of it. 

"But I have the same reason to kill you, Eret" She set fire to a half burnt tree limb above him (picture below.) , and before they could blink it was falling down to the ground.

"ERET NO!" Derive pushed him out of the way and the limb fell on his head. Derive was crushed and killed.

Raven had done it again. She had killed another one off. Now only Eret was left.


"That's it," Eret took out is sword and packed his bags. "This is war." He said to himself. "And I'm next."

He walked outside to go find Raven when a dragon came to him. A little green Terrible Terror. Around the dragon's neck was the Berk crest. It perched right on Eret's head. He picked it up and set it down on a branch.

"A Berk dragon?" He thought. "What the--wait maybe this will be the thing to save my life." He rushed inside, grabbed a piece of paper and wrote to Hiccup come and help him. He rolled up the paper and gave it back to the dragon. It flew off, going back were it came from.



As you can see from the picture the tree limb that hit Derive was huge. It wasn't a twig.

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