Chapter 28: My Power Can Do No Good

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Why do I need pain?

Well I don't need it I just have it.

But why do I have it?

I hurt in side.

I hurt those around me.

It burns,

like the fire in my hands,

and the flames in my heart.

I'm out of control,

but how do I be in control?

am trapped.

I can't run,

or hide,

of lock this thing away.

I'm not sure I even care anymore.

I just can't do this anymore

I'm so done!

I don't care about anything anymore!

So stop trying to help,

cus' you can't!

But what do I do with this?

I use it:

My power can do no good,

so it must be meant,

for evil.


Yeah, I know that's Elsa in the picture but the genral message of it is that its an evil girl with fire powers.

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