Welcome to the team,

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"What happened to Jungkook?" Taehyung asked in confusion. Jimin pursed his lips and stifles a laugh.

Jungkook has been gone to the bathroom for almost 30 minutes. Either Jimin knows what he's doing or just maybe he's constipated.

"Oh, I don't know. I mean he looked alright."Actually Jimin is starting to panic. He looked like his soul left his body the moment he said those words.

What if he actually killed himself?

"Dude, he looked mortified," Taehyung laughed so loud before going in to whisper at Jimin's ears, "Maybe he shitted on his pants or something."

"Yeah, no. I actually thought to hang myself in there." They yelped at the sound of Jungkook's voice suddenly behind their backs.

"Oi, Boss said to tell you that the others are here. What does that mean?" Jungkook groaned, eye looking bored.

"It's nothing. You'll meet them eventually, they're in the meeting room, yeah?" Taehyung nodded and they watched Jungkook walk out of the room.

Jimin then looks at Taehyung with an eyebrow raised, "Is he dumb or he didn't realise this is the meeting room."

Taehyung only shrugged and leans back to his chair and swung around, "There could be another meeting room. This ship is as big as hell—Hey! Do you think we could go to other planets? I've always wanted to go to the sun."

Jimin leans his head back in shock and looks at him ridiculously, "You're from earth?"


"Alright, everyone..." Iron Man sighs out, claps his hands and rubs it as he looks at everyone. There are 7 men in total in the room sitting around the round table comfortably.

"Let's introduce ourselves—by our real names I mean." Iron Man announces.

"Should we do face reveal too?" One of them asked.

"Of course," Iron Man snaps before inhaling, "I'll do it first and I want you all to take this seriously, okay?" He earns nods and some murmurs.

Iron Man's suits start to make sounds and it snaps into two theb he finally reveals his face (his whole body to be exact) he steps out from his suits and smiles. The one where Jimin recognizes dearly.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon better known as Iron Man and I'll be your leader in this team. I'll look forward to work with you all." Jimin can only gape at him. What the heck!? Where did all these unexpected turns come from?

"Oh! Me next!" Taehyung says excitedly. "I'm Taehyung."


"Okay, and...?" Taehyung looked at Namjoon with a frown.

"What? You don't care? I thought we were—"

"No, no, no, no." Namjoon panicked, "I meant what's next to Taehyung?"

Taehyung thought for a moment before snapping his fingers, "Kim!" Everyone groaned except for Jimin who was locked laughing.

"Yes, Kim Taehyung and what else?"

"Um, I have a dog... His name is Tata—wait speaking of Tata. Can I bring him?" Namjoon licked his lips before thinking. Everyone was quiet and waited looking interested if the Leader agrees or not.

"Fine, okay."

"Yes!" Taehyung roared and then everyone cheered.

"Right, okay next?" Namjoon looks around expectantly then one of them stands up.

"I'm Jungkook," He bows and then takes a seat again.

Everyone looked at him and waited for something until he looks up and raised an eyebrow, "What? I said my name and you can already see my face right? Or do I have to—"

"Okay, next!"

"Hi, name is Yoongi." He then points himself with his two hands, "Flash on the flesh."

The others made a noise after that, and then one of them stands up.

"Sup, I'm Seokjin and I do the bows and arrows."

"Oh, you're katniss! I'm your biggest fan, although I didn't like the kiss from the end." Taehyung comments.

"Who the fuck is that?" Jin made a face, "Anyways also known as Hawkeye."

"Who the fuck is that?" Taehyung smirks at him and Jin suddenly grabs his bow and arrow until Namjoon stops him.

"Thank you, next!"

It was quiet for a moment before Jimin looked around and sighed in defeat.

"H-Hi. I'm Park Jimin, a new college student." He sat down and bit his lips. Embarrassed when no one reacted. Was I not supposed to introduce himself? Oh, yeah. I think they know I don't have superpowers.

"Hey, Jimin! Nice to meet you!" Taehyung says and raises his hand for a high-five. Jimin blushed in embarrassment and high-fived Taehyung.

"Hey," Then the others starts to speak and greet him. Jimin made sure to reply back and smile. Jungkook was covering his mouth to hide his laughter, cringing at the second hand embarrassment.

"He's cute I must admit, " Jin confessed and the others nodded.
"Okay, then the last on—wait, aren't we 7 earlier?" Everybody looks around in confusion.

Then suddenly something came out from the darkness and it almost hit Namjoon. It went to the board behind him and Namjoon turns to get and looked at the thing. Footstep were then heard and they all stay their in alert. Ready to attack.

"Hey..." A gruff and very low voice says.

"Wait...why is Batman doing here?" Jungkook says in disbelief.

"Yeah, what is Batman doing here?" Batman asked himself, then he looks at them when they weren't saying anything.

"What? Justice League kicked me ou—wait I mean they're a flop so I wanted to join Avengers, you guys look like you need me."

"but, this isn't the Avengers." Namjoon says.

"Wait what? Oh, then I can be on Namjoon's team."

Namjoon opened hid mouth before closing it and nodding, turning to discuss what were they about to do when he suddenly thought of something.

"Wait, how did you get in!? I didn't see you at the entrance and I was sure there were seven of us, what did you do!"

"No, dumb ass I went through the bathroom window." Jungkook looks up in panic.

"And...May I comment that your bathroom smells like a you mom and dad's poop combined?"

"A what? Why? It's always clean there." Namjoon corrects.

"Really? Hm, could've fooled me. But anyways am I on the team?" He asks in excitedly.

"Yeah, whatever." Namjoon sighs before turning to get everything ready.

Meanwhile Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other at the same time and couldn't help but laugh loudly. Jungkook turns to see they were pointing their fingers at him.

He glared and give them the middle finger, cheeks reddening.

"Alright everyone! Welcome to the team. We are officially called; Bangtan Sonyeondan," Everyone whooped and clapped. Everyone liked that.

"By the way my name is Hoseok! And this is my face!"


The others have been introduced, Yey!

What do you think?

Do I need to change something? Specifically the other characters?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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