Senses in mission 2

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The sound of the alarm clock woke Jungkook up. He groans and tiredly turns off the alarm with a few struggles.

He rubs his face and sat up. Cold air hitting his upper body making him shiver. He looks at his right where his calendar is and looks at what date it was.

Monday. Fuck mondays. He hates mondays and he hope you do too.

He got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and took a shower. And of course forgetting to bring his towel.

Let's leave him alone to walk around his room butt naked.


In the Park family's mansion

"Is everything ready? Where's my uniform?- Dad! They can't find my uniform! And my boxer's too! Is my breakfast served? Where are my briefs, it's getting cold! Do I look okay to you!?"

Jimin was running around in cold sweat despite just finishing taking a long and clean bath. He can't help but feel nervous, that's what you feel about first day of school. His first day of school.

"Shit, dad? You're gonna drive me to school right?" He asks his dad who was sipping a coffee and reading a newspaper.

"Of course not, Jimin. You're old enough to drive to college."

"But I'm nervous!" Jimin insisted but his father only shook his head.

"Go drive yourself to school or you're really never going to school." He ignores Jimin's whine and his son gave up with a huff.

"Fine," he mumbled before turning around. "Kai! Can you drive me to scho-"

"Don't listen to him or I'll destroy the car!"

"But sir that's your car-"

"I don't care! Leave him alone!" His dad shouts almost throwing the newspaper in annoyance and Kai nodded, looking at Jimin with an apoogetic smile.

Jimin groaned, stomping back to his room and a slamming door was heard all throughout the house.

Well, atleast they have found his boxer.


The bell rings suddenly and it echos through the whole school.

The whole school was loud from students talking to other students. Some of them were going to their respective classrooms. Some of them were still chatting on the lockers and entrance. And some of them are just standing there looking lost and doesn't know what to do, like Jimin here.

"I shouldn't have come." He says in regret but nonetheless, sighs and walks inside the gate.

Jimin started to feel very nervous. It feels like students were watching him and tries his very best to ignore. He manages to squish himself to the crowd of students in the halls and luckily found a different door than the other which he assumes are classrooms and this one was dark brown with a glass window but you can't see anything inside.

He shrugs and held the door know but stopped.
Wait a minute...what was I suppose to do? Jimin panicked and tries to remember what his father said to him yesterday.

[ "Okay son. I've been in that school so I know what to do. Listen carefuly okay? And don't forget it, it's very important." Jimin nodding since his father started to talk and his neck was already hurting fron the movment but nonetheless he still nods.

"So, you'll have to go to the principals office. You'll know it eventually without even asking for directions. The principal will ask you some questions which is probably the same because my best friend and I had the same answers, so we thought it was the same question. So, the first question is What is your favorite hero and you'll have to answer Thor because it's the principal and our favorite superhoe-hero. The second question is what position is your favorite which we answered 69...I don't know why but anyways the last question is where is your home. We never answered directly since we don't trust the principal 'cause like what if he'll send an assasin to us? So don't answer directly, got it?" Jimin nodded despite not understanding anything. He was about to go and sleep when he heard his father again.

"Oh, and also if you hear a scream probably run out of the room." Jimin noted that but can't help feel curios about the last statement.]

He sighed and opened the door and greeted with a scary tension he knocked on the door, getting the principals attention.

"Ahh, are you the infamous handsome Dr. Park's son?" Jimin nodded but the principal seems hesitant for a moment.

"Are you sure?" She asks mockingly and Jimin almost throwed a punch at her which he would really do but she's a girl and he has respect for them if they deserve his respect, especially this one.

"No, I'm his slave." Jimin rolls his eyes and the principal seems satisfied.

"Not surprised. Well then how about you sit down and I'll ask you some questions." Jimin just nodded and sit down infront of the principal watching her as she intertwine his fingers on put it on top of the desk smilin creepily at him.

"So, let's start with your name."

Jimin hesitated, "Thor."

The principal looked shocked at the answer looking at him weirdly but nonetheless continues she has more important things to do.

"How old are you?"

"69." The principal slightly blushed and tries to calm down.

"Where do live?"

Ah, that's what Mr. Park was talking about.

"Beside our neighbor." Jimin answers confidently. The principals face was red. Jimin thinks she's still flustered from the number 69, why though?

She fakes a laugh, "And where does your neighbor live?" She says through gritted teeth.

Jimin grinned, "Next to our house."

"And where do both of you live?"

"On a ground-" Jimin stops and jumps in surprise when she suddenly stands up and screams frustratedly. Jimin tooks this as a cue and bolts out of the room with full velocity ignoring the angry calls of his name behind him.

Strangely there were still students roaming around the halls. Didn't the school bell rang a while ago?

He shrugs, getting a notebook from his backpack because it was where he putted his schedules. He quickly opened his book but suddenly bumped into a wall causing him to fall on his butt. He groans in pain as but he hears another one. He looked up and saw a boy caressing his shoulder's glaring at Jimin. Oh, That's not a wall. Jimin thinks stupidly.

"Watch it, prick!" The student suddenly say making Jimin looks in his eyes but as soon as they made eye contact Jimin's head began to hurt. Ear began to ring and feels dizzy and unexpectedly goes at the student also.

The other hissed as the hand that was caressing his shoulders went to his temple rubbing it.

"Ugh, your face makes my head ache." The student spat and walks away in the crowd.

They were lucky no one even bothered to look at them but Jimin doesn't feel lucky enough.

What a disrespectful twat. Now he feels what his father has been experiencing.



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