From planet Mars

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And so the bell rings again which Jimin was glad to know so he can get out of the room and never face that boy again.

He exits the detention room and searches once again. Now, he only notices how the white marble floor was still clean despite getting stepped on shoes that came from outside. Lockers were alternately colored as blue, white and gold.

Female students were dressed in a white long sleeve and a blue wool rests on their shoulder making of an almost heart shape. Their skirts were also blue but you can see a white wool under those skirts, it falls until above their knee. Their shoes were all the same. Jimin remember it was required to use black shoes and a white sock.

For boys it was a simple white top and dark blue pants. Their shoes and socks were both black.

Jimin walks in the middle of the crowd, seemingly getting the attention of a few students but still made him want to slap their attention away.

He hears murmurs and heard something from the girls which makes him relax a bit.

"Damn. Who is he?"

"I don't wanna know. His face clearly says fuck off."

"You're just intimidated. He's hot!"

"Damn, bisepts. And ooh those thighs."

Jimin wasn't smirking though. He knows he's a pervert for girls but them actually drooling and  complenting him is just so foreign.

He spots a specific sign and sighs, went straight at the room completely ignoring everyone who's eyes practically boring him.

He steps inside and analizes the classroom. It has a wooden floor that smells like wax. A 3 feet cabinet was in the back and a tall one was in the corner near the students door. There were two chair in collumns and six in rows.

He chooses to sit in the front, near the teacher's door as the chairs he wanted to sit on was already occupied.

It was passed two minutes and everyone was here. The teacher came and everyone stands up to greet him.

He introduces himself as Mr. Song, our music teacher. His first activity was getting to know your seatmate which everyone silently groans to. Some of them smiles and already made a converstaion.

As for Jimin, before he can process everything he heard a low voice on his left.

"Hi, welcome to hell." His eyed widen in shock and looks at the boy.

"U-uhmm...Thanks?" The boy nods and held out his hands.

"Taehyung by the way, you new?"

"Umm. Ye-"

"Okay, sorry. I shouldn't ask when it's already obvious." Jimin blinks and was about to ask a question but the boy speaks again.

"This is Tata." Jimin looks particularly at nothing he just notices Taehyung slightly getting up.

Jimin made an 'uh' sound as he look at him weirdly. He doesn't realise the boy's leg was shaking due to the heavy weight.


"Taehyung, no threatening." They both snaps when the teacher warns Taehyung but his voice was sweet and harmless. They hear snickers and a 'shh'.

Taehyung sighs and sits down again, "Sorry, Everyone thinks I'm weird for naming my butt."

Jimin blinks twice before forming an 'o' and nods, getting it.

"It's okay, I've experienced worse." Jimin says as he thinks of a particular person.

He leans forward and pats Taehyung's hip but makes sure his hands would contact with Tata.

"Hello, Tata. I'm Jimin." Taehyung practically beams and starts to work his mouth.


Jimin grumbles as he opens the door to their mansion, All sweaty and exhausted. He drools at the thought of finally lying down on his bed forgetting all responsibilities and just black out.

He walks towards their long and wide stairs to the second floor. The maids were still cleaning all the rooms on the second floor but he ignored them. Going straight to his room and lied down on his bed.

He sighed, contented. Feels the soft and warm bed on his whole back. It was so comfortable he fell asleep immediately.



"Wake up."

"It's 7 in the morni-" a slap on his father's cheeks. Mr. Park holds his cheeks with a shock face.


"Minjiminjiminiminji-huh what a nice name. I'm making a girl and name it minji-anyway-"

"-Mochi, wake up."

"Arise from the darkness, open thy eyes or you'll feel loneliness-"

"-Sir, I didn't know you were poetic, you could've helped on my essay-"

"-Shut up and continue cleaning." The maid nods and closes the door. Mr. Park sighs, his hands rubs his face in distress. He looks up at an idea.

Clears throat, "dAddY."

Jimin rose from his bed clearly mortified, "WhAt? I have a child?"

Mr. Park slaps his son's forehead and stood up. Jimin groans at the sudden contact, he glares at his father.

"What was that for?"

"That is for being irresponsible father to your daughter."

"Wait- what the fuck? Do I really have a child?" Mr. Park throws a shoe at Jimin but his son luckily dodge it.

"Okay I'm outta here before I get killed."

"Go downstairs, dinner is ready."

"hUh? But you said it's 7-"

"Oh, so you were awake."

Do what a big boy's gotta! Jimin bolts out of his room while Mr. Park was throwing everything that was near him to Jimin until he was at the bottom of the stairs.

"But sir. We had just cleaned everything."

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