Two forms

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Shock in what he had realise the moment Taehyung was in Jimin's sight was an understatedment. Even though hey weren't that close he couldn't have expected it, but then at the same time it was shocking to see Jungkook as the Spiderman. Jimin wonders if they were more superheroes he that he just walked passed by.

"Are you—wait you' you?" Jimin stuttered and tried to find the right question, opening and closing his mouth like a fish.

Taehyung laughed and puts his arms around Jimin, "Yes, I'm immortal, and a superhero and I have powers! Here, look!" Taehyung suddenly swift his arms, palms facing the ground and Jimin watched with eyes wide when the grass starts to grow and move around.

"Kim Taehyung!" Iron man warned, "Be careful, someone might be here."

"Woops, sorry boss." He cheekily smiled, his eyes moved around and found Jungkook's.

"Oh, wow. It's shocking to see our Mr. Heartthrob in 7th grade," Jungkook rolls his eyes and groaned, "You're seriously not gonna forget about that?"

Taehyung laughed like it's the stupidest question he's ever heard, "Of course, beating you're title till Senior high. Sadly colleges don't do that, but it wouldn't be shocking if I get picked."

"I didn't care and up till now. It was just a stupid, meaningless title anyway," Jungkook huffed and Taehyung raises an eyebrow at him, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh? So that's why you were glaring at me everytime I came to your sight?" Jungkook scoffed and protested, "I wasn't."

Taehyung only smirked and hummed smugly while Jimin and the other hero watch them.

"You know each other?" The others groaned at Iron Man's question.

"Forget it, lets just fucking go." Jungkook starts to walk away and inside the school.

"Great!" Taehyung cheered grabbing Jimin's wrist, "Lets get it!"

"Woah, woah, woah, not so fast kids." Iron Man gripped Jimin's wrist stopping them from running.

"You," He points at Jimin, "Are not coming."

Taehyung gasped and looked back to Iron Man with brows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Park isn't a selected student, though he already know Jungkook has powers." He explained.

"What!? But that means he would go home, and there will be no fun." Taehyung pouted, "But boss! If you let him go, he would blackmail and threaten us!"

Taehyung looked at Jimin with pleading eyes, "Tell him that you'll Threaten us!"

"Eh?" Jimin made a face.

Iron Man sighed and face palmed, "Fine. Just—don't blame me if his father is gonna call an entire army to look for him and if he's dead or injured."

The two younger boys looked at him in shock, "Wow, okay...then Jiminie! Let's gooo!"

They walked inside the school and went behind the building. Jimin choked on air when he sees a giant black thing just casually parked behind the school.

Jungkook was there waiting, tapping his foot and playing with his cellphone. He looks up when he senses them and sighed in relief.

"Hurry up! I didn't sign for this!"

"Good things come to those people who wait." Iron Man stated.

"Yeah, like this?" Suddenly a web flew straight to Iron Man, it latched to his chest and the two younger watch him flew almost straight to one of the big looking spaceship's wheels.

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