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Johnny's POV


I abruptly sat up after waking up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, about that day

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I abruptly sat up after waking up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, about that day.

That hunter...and Donghyuck...

I didn't want to kill him, but I didn't want Donghyuck or Sicheng to get hurt either. I'm their only Alpha, and it's my duty to protect everyone in my pack, no matter the cost. So...I had no choice but to kill the hunter, especially because of Donghyuck's condition.

Despite being a werewolf pup, which are particularly strong, his skin was incredibly delicate, which is an exceedingly rare condition. Even Chenle's skin was stronger than his at his young age.

Because of his condition, that silver dagger not only cut his throat, but it also burned really deep into his skin. And because his skin is so fragile, no matter how we treated it, his wound just kept opening up.

His skin just wasn't strong enough to heal itself from something that severe. And because we're werewolves, we couldn't take him to a hospital to get treatment. We knew that the Second Claws could help us, but I was too stubborn to let Doyoung call them...

I was scared that if we went out, that Donghyuck might get killed on our journey. And I feared that if they came to us, that they'd only lead lurking hunters right to our home.

So, I forbid both options from taking place. Instead, I asked Doyoung to keep using the same method that worked the best on Donghyuck's injury. And as an added measure, I saw to it that he didn't leave the hut without a partner.

But then, everything changed when he reunited with Mark. Because of what happened between them, we finally got Donghyuck the help he needed. But then, things went south in the blink of an eye.


We all knew that Mark's behavior was caused by the Night Howler blood within him. We had planned to help him today, but we acted too late. Doyoung, Sicheng, and I were in the car with the others, waiting for the rest of them to come to the car.

There were only two other cars left in the parking lot with us. There was Jaehyun, Jisung, and Jungwoo in Jaehyun's car, as well as Taeyong, Nakamoto, and Taeil in Taeyong's car.

Then, Chenle suddenly came running in a panic to the car and explained what was happening, as well as what Jeno said. But upon Jeno's request, everyone in the car started arguing. They all wanted to help, especially Doyoung, despite his condition.

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