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Donghyuck's POV


"I'm so happy to see you again~! How have you been all this time~?"

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"I'm so happy to see you again~! How have you been all this time~?"

"I've been ok~. I was worried about you though..."

"Really?? I was worried about you too~. By the way, how come you keep getting lost?"

"I-I really don't know... But if I don't get back soon, my hyung is gonna kill me..."

"I'll help you back again~. It'll be like when we first met~"

I grabbed his hand again, just like back then, and started leading him back to town.


Minutes Later


"Here we are, again~!"

"Thank you Donghyuck, again~"

"You're welcome~. Bye again~"


I turned back to see what he wanted, noticing the nervous expression on his face.

"D-Do you wanna hang out sometime?"

I wonder why he looked so scared just to ask that simple question?

Humans are weird. But, it is rather cute~.

"Sure~. One day we will~"

"R-Really? Then, I'll try to come by to see you in two days~. Bye~!"

He happily ran off, leaving me laughing to myself.

After I made sure he was far enough, I quickly rushed home in my wolf form, before Johnny notices I'm gone.


Back at the Hut


"I'm home~"

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"I'm home~"

"Great~. Don't care~"

Sicheng cheered sarcastically.

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