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Donghyuck's POV
The Next Day


I woke up with Mark cuddled up next to me with his arm around me, and my leg over his

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I woke up with Mark cuddled up next to me with his arm around me, and my leg over his. When did we get in bed though??

I still felt tired and wanted to go back to sleep, but I got caught up in looking at Mark's face. Even though he's been through a lot of pain for a while, he finally looks at peace and he's finally able to get some rest.

His lips are parted just a little bit, and some of his hair is delicately laid on his face, just a little over his eyes. His arm laid delicately on my waist, so delicately that I could barely feel it. But even though I know that he's just my best friend, it almost feels like he's cuddling me in a loving way?

I gently moved the hair out of his face, since it seemed to be bothering him. He sighed contently when he didn't feel it anymore, and a small smile formed on his face. I don't know why, but I felt my face heat up, and I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. Why does he make me feel like this...?

Regardless, I forced myself to get up, so that I could find everyone else. I don't remember what happened recently, but I feel way better than I did yesterday. I slowly made my way downstairs, and I found everyone already awake, but they all looked exhausted???

"How long have you guys been up??"

Everyone abruptly landed their eyes on me, and immediately came running towards me.

Chenle and Jeno were the first to engulf me in a hug.


"We're so glad that you're ok~!"

They both happily cheered, and Johnny came and pet me on my head.

"Don't ever scare us like that again, you idiot..."

Sicheng slightly smirked, flicking me on the forehead.

"Ow! What did I do?!"

"Hyuck, you don't remember??"

Doyoung asked, and I shook my head as the others let me go.

"After we got away from the hunters, Johnny-hyung drove us back here. But when we got you and Mark out of the car, he suddenly passed out and you did right after him"

"Oh yeah! We did transform last night!"

I hit myself on the forehead, remembering our adventures from the previous night.

"We think that because it was Mark's first time, he used up too much energy and his body couldn't handle it. But he seems to be fine now"

Doyoung pointed behind me, making us that realize that Mark was standing right behind me. Renjun immediately got up and hugged him, almost making him fall.

He must've been really worried.

"Hi Mark~"

"Hi Hyuck~. You look like you're feeling better~"

"I am~"

"Oh! By the way, let me see your neck for a second Hyuck"

Doyoung interrupted our small conversation to examine me.

He raised my head up a little bit, and felt where my wound is. But...I didn't feel it when he touched it??

"Woah! What happened?!"

Mark shrieked, making everyone else gather around me.

"When did this happen?!"

Johnny cried out.

"It really did work~!"

Doyoung happily yelled.

"What are we talking about?!"

I yelped, confused out of my mind.

Mark then grabbed my hand and ran with me upstairs to the bathroom, turning on the light.


He pointed to where my wound was, and it was gone!

"What...tHE HECK IS GOING ON?!?!"

"It really worked~!!"

Doyoung cheered once more, coming into the bathroom with us.

"What worked?!?!"


Doyoung held up a potion bottle, the contents of it already half empty.

"What is that?!?!"

"Before I tell you, you gotta calm down a bit Hyuck~"

Doyoung chuckled.

Mark softly started petting my head, and I soon calmed down for Doyoung to explain.

"Xiaojun, Hendery, and YangYang gave me this last night before the two of you transformed. They said that if I put this on your wound and let it soak in before you transformed, that when you changed back, it'd be completely healed~"


Doyoung just smiled and nodded.

"Hyuck! Do you know what this means?!"


I questioned him, still trying to piece together all of this sudden information.

"This means that you're not gonna die any time soon~! You can live like everyone else now, without any life threatening injuries holding you back anymore~!"

I felt tears of joy welling up in my eyes after Mark helped me realize this.

It feels so unreal. One minute, I'm constantly on edge because of my condition, and the next minute, I'm completely cured and worry free.

I smiled as I began to cry from how happy and emotional I felt. Mark then kissed my forehead, and brought me into a warm hug.

"I'm so happy for you Hyuck~!"

I tightly hugged him back and cried into his shoulder, smiling through it all.

"I-I am too~!"

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