Chapter 3: "I watched it begin again"

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I sat along with my best friends on the edge of my bed while we all contemplated on which outfit out of the three I had chosen was best for my date tonight. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't exited or nervous about this whole thing - I had promised my self to take a break after all - but I guess that wasn't what destiny (or Malak) had in mind.

The outfits were polar opposites; the first was a girly combination of a short black skirt that ended mid thigh and had little white birds printed at random places, a loose 1/3 sleeved white shirt tucked inside, a long black triangle necklace and my favorite black wedges. The second was a little more edgy - ripped black jeans, a teal shirt that had a slight shimmer to it, a black leather jacket on top and - again - my black wedges. The third however was the most relaxed and simply combined blue jeans, a loose red shirt which fell off one shoulder and had the number "46" written across it with a cracked like font and my black sneakers (I like black okay!).

"So which should I go for?" I asked them again.

"You are making such a big deal out of this! He's just a guy and it's your first date, just wear anything." Joe said obviously exasperated and bored.

"I'm not making a big deal, I just want to look nice!" I defended myself.

"You are only eating pizza right?" Malak asked.

I nodded. "That's all that was said."

"Okay then so you wouldn't want to wear anything that you won't feel too comfortable in because you're afraid of ruining. You also don't want to look like you've tried too hard because technically he never said it was a date..." She trailed off.

"So the jeans and red shirt?" I asked picking them up.

"The jeans and red shirt." She confirmed smiling.

After I had gotten dressed, Malak helped me apply a bit of makeup while Joe played Call of Duty on my PlayStation 3 with Nick, my 18-year-old brother. I was done five minutes before he said we would meet and so ran to the car in order to be just the right amount of late - fashionably late.


"Hey, Tasha." He greeted with one of those charming boy smiles that leave you all tingling inside.

"Hey, Josh." I replied giving him a smile of my own.

He was dressed in jeans as well and a simple black shirt that hugged his abs - his abs! - I blushed a bit coming to the realization that I had been staring and so held the menu up to cover my face.

"Do you know what kind of pizza you'd like?" He asked.

"I was thinking about a peperoni? Or mushroom? Or you know what, a margarita." Realizing I was blabbering, I stopped. "Sorry, maybe I'm not so sure. What are you getting?"

He was smiling slightly as he answered looking at me. "I was thinking of a peperoni and mushroom actually. Wanna share?"

"Sure," I answered. "I have to warn you though, if we share we might end up buying one more at least."

He laughed, "Well that's a relief! And here I was worried you hated the place and would just eat a salad or a carrot or something."

"Trust me when I tell you that pizza is probably the best food, I mean could I really have passed it up?"

"Now I'm starting to get jealous of pizza, so you came for the pizza and not for me?" He faked pouting then smirked.

"Sorry buddy, but pizza always wins." I told him apologetically. "So does ice-cream." I added thoughtfully.

We laughed a bit more and then when our order arrived - which was so good by the way - we ended up getting two more pizzas (don't judge me).

"Well I'm full." I said after eating my thirteenth slice probably seemingly loosing count after a while.

"You should be; you ate like two pizzas!" He looked amused rather than judging which I was glad for since it put me a bit at ease instead of making me feel fat.

"Hey! Never tell a girl she ate a lot," I attempted glaring at him but I knew my eyes showed anything but anger. "Plus, you ate more than I did!"

He simply raised an eyebrow smirking.

"Okay, maybe not." I admit defeated.

A few minutes passed and I was really having an amazing time getting to know him better. As it turns out he has one sister who, judging from her picture, is super adorable (She's 9)! He also turned out to be a talented guitarist - which I couldn't wait to see. He wasn't truly a bad boy from the novels you'd read, but from the stories I heard so far along with a bit information I had known from school, he did go down that route every once in a while.

After paying the check he rose and offered his hand - which I gladly took into my own after only a second's hesitation. "Wanna go for a walk?" He asked and I nodded.

"Don't you love this?" I asked suddenly after a few moments of comfortable silence while still holding each other's hands.

"What?" He asked looking curious.

"The wind as it blows through your hair making you forget the traffic noise if you just simply let yourself go and embrace it, and the way it feels when you walk and just take a deep breath and just inhale the night." I paused. "I'm babbling again, sorry. Am I even making sense?"

"More than you realize." I though I had seen something flash in his eyes as he said it, but it had been too quick to decipher.

I giggled nervously, not really knowing what he meant or was trying to say. "When's your birthday?" I asked him changing the subject.

"13th of April" He informed me.

I quickly did the calculations seeing which sign that made him and then held out my hand (we weren't holding hands anymore), "Hello Aries, I'm a Gemini - June 16th to be exact - and if horoscopes are in any way true, then I can tell that this is gonna be one heck of an adventure."

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