Chapter 17: "My Anaconda don't"

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 A few days have passed and I have yet to be wooed. I don't care how that may sound, but I'm seriously getting anxious. Did I push him too hard? Did he no longer want me to be his girlfriend? Was he gonna let me beg or something? Ugh! Boys!

"You're gonna break your face if you keep it scrunched up like that." Evan said as he sat next to me on my couch. Right now we were watching a movie on Tuesday night, because, well, we were bored. I honestly didn't know what it was really about though; some kid was seeing ghosts was all I knew. 

"I'm usually a very understanding person, but I am so not a patient one -"

"I can see that." He muttered making me send him my best death glare, resulting in him raising both hands in mock surrender.

"What's taking him so long!" I practically whined.

"He said a week right?" Evan asked, I've complained/talked about it a few times, sue me.

I nodded.

"Then give the guy a damn week!" He said practically exasperated. 

Going with my childish side, I simply stuck my tongue out at him and smiled.

"I swear you have a split-personality syndrome or something with those mood swings of yours." He said amusement playing in his eyes.

I kicked my feet up on the table, and put my hands behind my head, "That's life as a Gemini baby."

"Now tell me what this movie is about again."  I said smiling while he groaned. Even though I was still thinking about Josh, it just came to me that there is nothing I could do about it. I mean we have been acting pretty normal, and he has called or texted every night so it's not like I think he's losing interest, but what is taking him so long! I honestly am regretting not just agreeing that first pitiful excuse for asking me to be his girlfriend; the suspense was killing me! He better-

"Are you even listening?" Evan said pulling me out of my thoughts.

 I gave him a sheepish smile, "Umm, no?" 

"You are unbelievable!" He told me trying to seem angry, but I could see the smile trying to break through. 

"I know, that's why you love me." 

"You wish, babydoll, you wish." He said.

I snorted, "Babydoll?"

"What, you don't like it?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I wasn't stupid enough to say no right away knowing that would only make him use the silly pet name more in order to irk me, and though I didn't really mind it once or twice, if he kept on using it it was bound to get annoying.

Thus, I merely shrugged."Just curious. Now get out, I'm sleepy and we have school tomorrow." Right on cue, a yawn escaped.

"Aye, aye captain." He said heading for the door. "Goodnight!"

"Night!" I called back.


"Boyfriend 6 o'clock." Malak warned.

"Not yet," I muttered trying to keep my dislike for that fact to a minimum. Two more days have passed and I was almost losing it, no joke.

Malak laughed, "I know, that's why I'm teasing you."

"Trust me he's doing enough of that." I said shaking my head.

"Hey girls," Josh greeted us placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Hi!" We both said, my mood considerably brighter. Don't know if that's pathetic or not though...

"Hey," Joe said appearing out of nowhere it seems and just joining into the conversation.

"Where did you come from?" Malak asked voicing my thoughts.

Joe smirked, "Well when a mummy and daddy love each other very much -"

"Oh, my God." I groaned.

"Look at her butt." Joe continued smiling.

"My anaconda don't," Malak said unable to hide a smile as well.

"My anaconda don't," I repeat.

"My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun," The three of us finished off laughing as soon as we did.

"What was that?" 

"It's something we do every time someone says 'Oh my God'" Josh explained once we finished laughing.

 Josh's face was all scrunched up in confusion and amusement all at once. I swear he was too cute sometimes. Giving into my instinct, I pinched his cheeks - still laughing, mind you - and after the initial shock just looked at me. "Angel, what are you doing?"

"You looked too adorable for me to resist." I said shrugging.

"I swear, you are so weird sometimes." He said smiling down at me.

"I know," I shrugged, no use denying the truth.

"Come on guys, let's head to lunch." Malak said.

"Actually," Josh said smirking down at me. "Can you guys go on without us?"  

Joe was about to say something, when Malak slapped him on the back of his head, 'discreetly' winked at me, then said, "Sure" dragging him away.

"So?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"How do you feel about skipping?" He asked as excitement played in his eyes.

"Depends, what are we gonna do?" I asked, but when he opened his mouth to speak I interrupted. "And don't you dare say its a surprise because I've had enough suspense as it is." I stated stubbornly.

"Oh, come on one more hour of suspense wouldn't hurt would it?" He asked as he laced our fingers and began leading us through the front door of the school. Though I hadn't agreed I couldn't help but smile especially at the pout he was now giving me, and didn't put up the slightest fight.

"Nope," I said proudly sticking to my point.

I saw an evil glimmer in his eyes and before I could figure out what he was planning, he pressed me to the side of his bike and walked closer so that his mouth was about an inch away from mine; his minty breath mixing with my own making my heart pound.

"How about now?" He asked.

I bit my lip, causing his eyes to dart to them for a second, then shook my head. He then brushed his lips against mine, a seemingly innocent act, though by the way it made me feel was anything but.

"Please?" He asked giving me another soft kiss. Now I could see why a lot of girls seemed interested in him - not that I haven't before. Even though he was this sweet boy next door type at times, when you got to know him you get to see the adventurous bad boyish streak of his that seems to balace things out and give you the best of both worlds.

"For me?" And like that, I somehow felt my resolve crumbling. My shoulders sagged as I heaved a sigh.

"I hate you." I told him.

He chuckled, "If you did, that wouldn't have worked out so well." He teased getting on his motorcycle and handing me a helmet as I got on behind him, holding on.

"And here I thought you were actually a gentleman, and not a cunning, bad boy wanna be."

"Oh please, you love this side of me." He said as he drove away to who knows where, and I didn't even bother denying it as I just held on hoping that I was going to be pleasantly wooed soon.


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