Chapter 9: "Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend"

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"Umm, thanks for the ride." I said as we reached the school.

"No probem," He said getting out as I did the same.

I was about to walk into the school doors when something stopped me. I looked back to see Evan standing there just looking at the school for a moment kind of like a lost puppy as a few students came around him and through the doors, most girls doing a double take to check him out first though. The parking lot was still considerably empty and I couldn't see neither Malak's nor Joe's cars. I sighed and turned to him and as soon as I mad eye contact his lips went back to there ever-present smirk.

"Miss me yet?" I swear sometimes I just want to punsh him - make that always actually.

"Don't flatter yourself." I replied. "The school is big so I was wondering if you want me to show you around a bit."

"Yeah, okay." he said nonchantly though I could see he was thankful.

"What's your first class?" He handed me his sceduale and I was surprised that he was taking AP Math, and AP Physics - I wouldn't pass these to save my life if I were to take them. His first class was apparently AP English though, same as me - my only AP - so that made it just a bit easier.

"Okay since we both have English first period, we better be quick. Mr. Chris is nice and all, but get on his bad side and you regret it for the rest of your life."

"Wow, exagerate much?" He asked.

"Trust me, this is not something to joke about." I said seriously seeing his smirk fall into a frown, as it should.

We then went inside where I showed him the principal's office, the caffeteria, the library, his locker, and finally class. I hadn't shown him all his classess, but I did point out a few we passed by and he could always ask those many girls whom he kept flirting with, I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

"Would you stop that!" I whispered angrily as he continued to check all the girls who walked by and winking at most of them or saying a stupid cheesy line that was meant to make them swoon.

We were standing by the class room door as we still had five minutes till the morning bell- apparently we had come pretty early, and me being distracted this morning and not checking the time, didn't realize that.

"Stop what?" He asked innocently. I huffed, I wasn't going to argue with him like a child anymore and he obviously knew what he was doing. The only reason I was still standing her was Joe; he took this class too while Malak took other APs - yup, she was pretty much a nerd, but not when it came to English. At that moment Joe came along with a few of his team-mates - he played soccer - and they all stopped to greet me and Evan, before heading inside while only Joe remained.

"You are popular?" Evan asked with a raised eyebrow.

I wasn't exactly popular, but I wasn't that low on the social ladder either. For some reason,however, I felt kind of offended. I mean sure, I practically only hung out with Malak and Joe, but I was friendly with most people.

"Is it that big of a surprise?" I asked raising an eybrow of my own.

Joe laughed and Evan looked at him, apparently he hadn't realized he had stayed behind. "She's only popular because of me."

I shot him a look while putting my tongue out like a five-year-old making him laugh again and hug me to his side - a friendly yet kind of protective gesture coming from him. Joe though of me as his little sister and was always suspicious of almost anyone I hang out with other than him or Malak. It was true what he said though, him being captain of the soccer team definately gave our group a boost.

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