Chapter 2: "He looks like my next mistake"

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**Chris's name has been changed to Joe for future reasons...that is the reason for the updates**

"Okay class remember: tomorrows debate will be between Tasha and Josh and their topic is Communism. Josh you are for, and Tasha against." My debate club teacher announced as the bell rang.

"How are you supposed to argue about Communism?" Malak - my best friend - asked with only a slight accent that might hint that she's Egyptian, though it's rarely noticed at most times. "Who doesn't want equality?"

"True, that is gonna be tricky," I admitted. "But then again it never worked, did it?" I winked and she just shook her head laughing.

"What?" I asked bemused.

"You just always know what to argue with! You could be debating for animal testing and you might actually still win!"

"I guess sometimes you just have to think in different perspectives, in a way everyone is always right in their own eyes, aren't they?" I asked honestly. I had read somewhere that Gemini are known for seeing the black and white in everything; realizing that might be true I joined the debate team - guess they - whoever wrote the horoscope article- are right.

"Oh, stop talking logic and get your stuff; you have Chemistry next." I hadn't even realized that we had stopped in front of my locker, so I grabbed my things quickly and then waited for Malak to grab hers.

Malak had moved here just one year before me and since my first day, she's been my best friend - along with Joseph. It had been a bit hard for her being an Egyptian and a Muslim, but she would always say it never mattered to her.

I though, knew the truth. For the most of her first year, she hadn't even admitted to being either from fear of being called a terrorist, but then people started to find out anyways - as they always do - and so she decided to just embrace it and try to block out any bad talk.

Joe had been Malak's friend all that year not caring whatsoever about her origins or religion, and I know how grateful she is for that; if it wasn't for the fact that she wasn't at all for the idea of dating they probably would have been a couple by now (don't tell her I said that though, because last time I did, it wasn't pretty). That meant that when I befriended Malak, I befriended Joe as well - not that I had any regrets about that.

The three of us had grown so close it was incredible! If I ever had any doubts about having them as friends they are almost nonexistent- almost...nothing ever is for sure. My greatest fear is probably losing them one day after some stupid fight, but since that hasn't happened yet I try to stop thinking of the scenario.

"Hey, girls." Joe greeted coming to walk with us to class.

"Hey," we both answered in unison.

"How was debate class?" He asked.

"Good, though there was no real debate today, only tips and such." I said.

"Since when do you care about our classes?" Malak asked trying to raise an eyebrow but failing.

"I care!" He said dramatically placing both hands on his heart and faking sounding hurt. "And stop doing that, you can't raise your eyebrow!"

"And who said that is stopping me from trying?" She said shooting me a look as I laughed. "Fake it till you make it right?" I was about to answer with a witty response, but then we reached my class and I went in after saying goodbye.

I don't really have to bore you with details about how the rest of the day went, do I? I mean it was pretty customary; lessons, gossip, drama; a regular school day basically. After that it was home, dinner, bickering with brothers ( I have 2!) , reading, homework, studying, and then sleeping.

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