Chapter 8: "I'll be your hero, baby."

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It has been an hour since Josh dropped me off and my parents still weren't home. It wasn't really a surprise though with my mum being a surgeon and my dad a lawyer, I hardly ever got time to see them. My twin brothers were having some camp with there Middle School for a few days, so I was saved the headache. And my older brother had his own place thankfully, though he did often visit.

I heard a knock and went to get thinking it was them, all whilst still smiling like a maniac from the after math of my magical date.

Right, when I opened the door my smile fell, "What do you want?" I asked my neighbour whom I'm yet to know the name of.

"Wow, someone is happy to see me." He smirked.

"What do you want?" I repeated.

"I was bored and you seem nice - " He looked me up and dowm. "- well not personality wise, but-"

"Can you cut to the chase?" I said both a bit embarrassed and flattered that he thought I looked good, but he wasn't about to know that. I was also angry, but I could never remain angry at a person for long so the former two were the most evident.

"You really don't like me, do you?"

"Must've been your amazing first impression." I told him.

"If I remember correctly, I had cookies! C'mon what guy gives the neighbours cookies, for God's sake, do you know how bad it would've been if I was spotted doing that? Especially before I even attended my first day of school!" He was talking as if giving cookies was some great risk or something.

"Well, can I go to sleep now?" I said impatiently.

"And to think I wanted to hang out." He muttered under his breath as he turned around to go back to his own house.

Why in the world would he want to "hang out"? I asked myself over analyzing every word he said and thinking of all possible outcome - Gemini curse side effect.


Morning came with the smell of pancakes waking me up from my deep sleep. I got up, brushed my teeth and then went downstairs to check why it smelled so good when supposedly no one was home. As I stepped on the last stair, which happened to be right in view of the kitched, I stopped in my tracks.

Why was he here? I looked into the hallway mirror right next to me only to see what a mess my hair was, along with my Hello Kitty shorts and matching shirt PJ set.

"Oh, darling you're awake! I was about to go to work when I saw our lovely neighbours, the Stevens, here and decided to invite them for breakfast since today isn't really a busy day for me at the moment." My mum said chearfully.

My neighbour (how did I still not know his name?) was smirking at me, while the woman whom I assumed to be his mother was smiling warmly.

"Hello, dear, you must be Tasha. Such a pleasure!" Mrs. Stevans hugged me and I hugged her back - a bit awkwardly though. "Sorry! I'm a hugger." She said releasing me.

"No, no it's totally fine." I smiled at her.

"This is my son - " She started introducing us but he cut her off. Was I ever gonna find out his name?

"Hello," He said surprisingly civil for once as I shook his outstreched hand.

"Hey..." I said cautiously, not wanting to sound rude, but not really wanting to speak to him at the same time.

When our mothers turned around he whispered in my ear, "Cute PJ's," I turned red and went upstairs to change quickly, not even thinking about pancakes anymore.


"Seriously!" I said kicking my expensive-for-nothing car.

"Woke up on the wrong side of bed?" My neighbour (whom else?) asked as he came closer.

"I don't see how that's any of your buisseness." I told him coldly.

"Feisty," He winked at me, giving me more than an enough reason to ignore him and continue checking the hood of my car to see what could possibly be wrong with it. "Let me enlighten you as to how it is, in fact, my buissness; if I leave you driving here instead of driving you with me, my subconsience won't leave me for abandoning such a pretty girl behind to walf alone." I huffed. "So, are you coming?" He asked impatiently.

"No," I stated stubbornly, even though I absolutely hated walking - running I could do every once in a while, but walking? Not my thing if it'll take long.

"If you don't ride, I'll make you." He did his infamously trade mark smirk. Like that was gonna happen!

"And how do you plan on doing that?" I challenged knowing it probably wasn't the best idea to provoke him, but not able to stop myself from doing it anyways.

"Since you obviously aren't normal like other girls, I might threaten to kiss you." He came closer, causing me to step back, hitting the car and getting trapped as both of his hands rested beside each side of my face.

I was nervous as hell, and my heart was beating faster, but I had to hold my ground. Thank God I was a good actress! "That desperate to kiss me?" For a second he was taken off guard that I actually answered back, and as I was gonna take advantage of that moment and kick him where the sun doesn't shine, he smirked - yet again - causing me to doubt my decision as his eyes held a devious gleam.

"Or I can do this," WIthout warning, he place his hands on my waist and carried me over his shoulder as I screamed and kicked without luck. He then placed me in the passenger's seat and shut the door while locking it. It was one of those cars that I couldn't unlock without a key, so that wasn't promising.

"You a-"

"Tsk, tsk,I don't tolerate foul language Ms. Anderson." He told me through the partially opened window.

"How do you even know my full name?" I remembered then that he had met my mother just moments ago, but decided not to appear to have forgotten and just go on with my threatning and complaining. "I don't even know your first name! You could be a kidnapper for all I know." I was rambilling now; I was always a chatterbox, so when I didn't find the right words to use, I rambled.

"It's Evan, as for your other concern; that's for me to know and you to find out. Now buckle up or we'll be late to first period." He said as he came into the driver's seat and put the key into ignition.

Why had I hesitated to hit him again?

Not finding an escape, I did as asked - while sulking and avoiding eye contact of course - whilst he laughed at my reaction.

"Well, glad to be an entertainment," I muttered to myself knowing he wouldn't here me.


Another Update! Hopefully I won't be as late as I was last time in updating from now on, however I have my mock exams coming up so no promises.

If you are enjoying it though, please don't hesitate to comment and vote - really means A LOT. If you do I might be more encouraged to write knowing someone is actually reading and enjoying.

Thanks for all those whom are reading for the support and sorry for the spelling and grammer mistakes that are probably there - I suck at that.

Love you guys, xoxox,


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