Chapter 16: "And I'm Feeling Good"

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   Dinner is going on pretty well, I guess. I must say I really like his father and we immediately kicked it off. He is always making jokes and has a bright smile on his face. Unfortunately though, his mum isn't as easy going.  Don't get me wrong she's really nice but I'm usually good at reading people so can tell she doesn't think I'm good enough for her little boy or something.

Guess we'll have to prove her wrong...somehow...

"Daddy, can I show the boys around? They said they wanna see my playroom." The adorable little girl with bright emerald eyes and long jet black hair asked. As Josh had predicted they had hit it off; apparently Natalie loved superheroes more than princesses so that was a deal breaker and now the twins were trying to woo her. Let me tell you; it's adorable!

"Did you all finish your food?" He asked in a jokingly serious manner.

She giggled nodding showing him her plate and nudging the twins to do the same. 

He gave an exaggerated sigh, "Fine then, guess your free to go."

 No sooner have the words left his mouth then Natalie held each of the boys hands as was dragging them deeper into the house.

"So what do you want do after senior year?" His mum asked and I could see the challenge.

"I'm going to University of course, however I'm still sending in applications so I'm not sure where exactly I want to go though." I said truthfully.

"So you don't have a plan?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Mummm!" Josh groaned.

"Don't you 'mum' me!" She scolded. " If you too are dating, I need to know she' good enough for you!" And I was right.

'Sorry' Josh mouthed. In response I just squeezed his hand under the table, which he had been holding.

Clearing my throat a bit, I answered," Actually ma'm, I do have a plan. I know I want to be a journalist, however I'm planning on taking a double major in Political Science and Psychology. I might also look into a minor in Drama. I'm just still unsure which colleges will be willing to offer me that and which I want to accept." 

"Why not just study Journalism?" His dad asked, looking genuinely curious.

"Well, I've researched a bit when I was deciding what I wanted to do, and found out that now a days journalists actually get offered the job more if they haven't studied Journalism as it shows they have more diverse knowledge therefore can have even more to write about and be more understanding about things when doing so." I explained. "I'm naturally an open minded person, I love to write, I love the arts, and I like understanding people and feeling like I can make a change. SO basically I'm just looking for a way to do all the things I like."

"You think you can do all those things though?" His mum asked to which I shrugged.

"I'm naturally good at multi-tasking and I like to think that if I want something strongly enough, then I can always make it happen."

"I personally think that's amazing." Josh said as he brings my hand to his lips and gives it a tender kiss while looking in my eyes, causing me to blush. We were in front of his parents for God's sake!

His dad then cleared his throat, his eyes shining with amusement. "So forget about the future, tell us more about yourself now."

"Ummm, like what?" I always had a problem when asked general questions, I just can't answer them at all.

"Do you have any other siblings? What do your parents do? What are your hobbies? Things like that."

"Well I have an older brother called Nick who's now in his first year of University. My dad is a lawyer, and my mum is a surgeon. I basically do a lot of the artistic stuff, except for painting - I'm terrible at that - and I absolutely love to travel whenever I get the chance.

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