Chapter 23: "He knows...He knows"

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Since I did, indeed, get detention it, our talent show had been delayed a bit. I texted Josh to tell him - just in case - and then entered the detention room which, unsurprisingly, had Evan as well. He was looking out the window at the almost empty parking lot with a strange look in his eyes, and I could tell he was thinking deeply about something.

"What did you do today?" I asked him curiously making him jump out of his seat in fright.

"Apparently swearing in front of a teacher isn't all that appreciated." He said trying to conceal his earlier surprise. "You?"

"Was late to class." I said simply taking a seat. "Did the teacher leave already?"

"Yup, said that as long as we don't leave the room we're good."

"Sweet, so what's been up with you lately?" I asked going straight to the point.

"Nothing why'd ask?" He questions looking around nervously.

"I can tell somethings been bothering you." I shrug. "We haven't talked since Tuesday night, which I know isn't a long time, but still. Suddenly you think Josh is cheating on me, when I had been waiting for him to ask me to be his girlfriend for almost a week now. You have that forlorn look in your face whether your alone...something is bothering you." I note.

"Well not something, more like someone." He tells me.

"Well, you can tell me you know?"

But he only gives a heartbroken laugh, "No, I can't."

"You can trust me, I won't judge you." I almost whisper as I try to reassure him. "I promise."

It's silent for a almost half an hour as Evan brought out his homework and ignored me, until he finally opened his mouth, "Coming to this school wasn't something that I'd planned. I hadn't been looking forward to leaving everything behind, but I was still eager to see what was ahead, you know? Right away, I started making friends and was like, this place might be cool after all. I started liking someone, but I kept thinking that that person could never like me back, that that person clearly liked someone else. Not to mention that I'd always question it, I mean, that kind of person had never been my type. At the same time, I was attracted to someone else, and I'd try to convince myself, and I'm still trying, that it's her I like. It's her that might be right for me, but that other person just keeps popping up. My eyes incautiously follows them around, the time we spend together is just so's just frustrating."

"Evan..." I say quietly putting a hand on his shoulder. "I think you're in love."

He scoffs, "No I'm not, trust me. I only met that person a day before school started and that is simply not long enough time to fall in love."

"You never know, but just know that I'll do anything I can to help you." He was about to reply when our teacher stepped into class and set us free. It was silent as we walked to the parking lot, and I couldn't help but think about that person he kept talking about.

"Do you want a ride home?" Evan asked.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I say as I get in. I look at my phone and seeing no reply from Josh, I start thinking about Evan's assumptions even after trying so hard to dismiss them. Then I look at Evan and think about that person he kept describing...there was no way it could be me, could it? I imagine for a moment what it would be like to date Evan and came to the conclusion that it'd actually be fun. Is it possible that I like Evan? I almost laugh at the thought, I can't! I just admit that I love Josh last night, this is simply ridiculous.

As we arrive, Evan stops me before we enter the house.

"You said you'd do anything right?" I nod.

"Then can you promise you won't hate me?" He asks.

"Evan, what are you talking about? You're scaring me."

"Please promise." He pleads, and seeing him looking so vulnerable, so raw, I can't have it in me not to.

"I promise, but you have to tell me what you want to do." I tell him.

"I-I need to know if I'm gay or not."

"What-" before I even finish my thought, soft, needing lips meet mine making me freeze as I'm caught off guard. It takes me a moment to react, and I quickly push him away.

"What was that?!" I practically scream at him.

"Yup, I'm gay." He says and then as he sees the anger and betrayal in my quickly apologizes. "I know it was wrong, but please try to understand."

I take a deep breath, "Can you go home...just give me a moment and I'll be fine."

"Okay," He turns to enter his house with guilt-stricken eyes. Just as he is about to enter though, a screeching sound of a car breaking - not so smoothly- makes us both look up to find a furious Josh heading our way. Typical.

"What the hell where you doing kissing my girlfriend!" He says as he lands a punch on Evan, causing a crack to sound.

I quickly run to his side, "Josh, stop! This is all a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? A freaking misunderstanding? I just saw him kissing you and that's what you have to say?" He shouts at me. "Tell me Tasha did you like it?"

"Don't raise your voice at me." I warn, my voice deadly serious.

"Dude, call down...this was all my fault." Evan tries to calm Josh, but to no avail.

"Did you Tasha?" He says quietly. I don't answer. "Do you regret it?" His voice cracks a bit at the end and I see how this is affecting him.  I think hard about the question; do I? I mean less than an hour ago I was wondering if I might be attracted to Evan, but now I knew the answer.

"No," I tell him honestly.

"I knew it! I freakin' knew this would happen! Didn't I tell you that day in my garage...but of course I had to fall for it anyways.

"You idiot!" I tell him trying to keep my tears at bay- I wasn't about to show weakness. "If you saw the kiss, then you saw me pushing him away!"

"Not fast enough." He retorts.

"And to think I didn't regret the kiss, because it proved just how much it's only you I want." As he freezes at my words - obviously not expecting them - I enter my house and slam the door.


I already have the next chapter planned out, and it should be out soon, but I don't know whether it should be from Josh's POV or just remain as Tasha's. Was anyone expecting that from Evan though? Please comment and tell me what you think! Thanks for all those who've been reading and honestly means the world❤️❤️❤️

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