Chapter 15: "Little brothers..."

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 Today was Sunday and I was a freaking mess! Why? Let's just say that Josh just called to inform me that instead of a date we will actually be having dinner with his parents and little sister since he said everyone wanted to meet me. I mean what if they don't like me? What if they told Josh we should break-up or that we aren't a good match. What if they like me and then we broke up? Then I'd be disappointing them. Ugh!

"Stop fussing and sit down!" Malak suddenly shouted causing me to sit down on my bean bag at the side of the room with wide eyes; this side of Malak was not one I really liked to see since it was loud, fiery, tends to be violent sometimes, and honestly a bit frightening. 

She had stayed over yesterday for us to finish our girl's night by having a High School Musical marathon and singing along to all the songs. My house wasn't huge but it was pretty spacious and we were relatively rich, I guess you could say, so one of the musts when we moved in was for us to have a screening room and after a lot of convincing, my parents agreed. Best thing about it, other than always feeling like your in a cinema and the stars inspired ceiling, was that it was sound proof meaning everyone was immune to our voices and the neighbours wouldn't have to complain. 

"Good, now listen! Your clothes are ready and I will be your hair and make-up stylist like every other time and you will be ready in half an hour max. I filled your bath and already put a bath bomb I found so you better go in now before the water gets cold and relax. Everyone knows your good with parents and a natural charmer so stop worrying!" She did all that while I was pacing my room? And people ask why I love this girl.

"Thank you, you are a life saviour!" I said hugging the daylights out of her.

"I know, now get ready and stop choking me!" She said laughing and pushing me through the bathroom door.

An hour later (which may be due to an extra long shower - don't judge!) I was ready and heading out to meet Josh whom had texted saying he almost arrived.

"Where all you going?" Asked Thing #1 and Thing #2 simultaneously.

"To my friend's house." I told the twins.

"But mum said you have to watch us today since she and daddy are coming late and Kayla (the babysitter) has a test tomorrow so can't come." Fred informed me.

"When did she say that?" I asked, this was absolutely not the time! George just quietly handed me a note that was placed on the kitchen counter.


I have a long surgery today and your dad has a very important case meaning you probably won't see us till early morning. Take care of the twins, Kayla has a test and Nick can't.

Love you,


P.s. don't try calling with excuses, I'm busy. Thx love.

Great! Just simply perfect! Then I got a brilliant idea, I ran up the stairs to my room looking for Malak only to find it empty. She was no where in sight.

"Twins!" I shouted.

"Yes?" They said together coming into view.

"Where's Malak?"

"She left." They answered.

 Right then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket to find Malak had just texted me.

Just left! Have fun on your date!  She couldn't have waited one more minute! I almost cried to myself.

What to do? What to do?

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