Chapter 25: "You won't see me cry"

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Back to Tasha's POV

I was sitting in between Joe and Malak eating my ice cream and pizza -don't judge - as we watched Mean Girls. It is moments like these, I realise, that you get to know your true friends. The blanket wasn't really big enough to fit us all, but we cuddled into each other somehow managing it for the most part.

"You had to see Malak slapping them both!" Joe tells me making me chuckle. "I was honestly scared back there."

"You really slapped them both?" I ask her still laughing as I imagine Malak with steam coming out of her ears as her hands keep backslapping both boys...I have a big imagination, so what?

"Yup, my hand kind of hurts though." She says pouting making Joe and I both laugh at her.

"Hey, let's belly dance!" I exclaim suddenly.

"You sure?" Malak says hesitantly.

"Yeah! So what we might've broken up? I don't have to drown myself in tears, right? Why not do what we planned on doing all along?" I say cheerfully. Of course I wanted to cry, but that would be left till I'm in bed...alone. Life moves on right? Yup, for now, I decided, i will just be happy no matter how broken I feel inside.

"If that's what you want..."Joe says.

Right at that moment my phone pings with a message from Evan,

Can we talk?

I reply saying I'll be right there and then look back at my best friends whom are early eying me.

"Guys, I'm fine!" I tell them brightly. "Now I'm gonna go have a quick chat with Evan and then invite him over and we can have the night as planned, okay?"

  Before they can even nod, I'm out of the door and taking a deep breath in order to maintain the cheerful facade I've put on. I knock on Evan's door and he opens almost immediately to invite me in.

"My mum and brother are out." He informs me to which I only nod. We make our way to his couch and I sit down making sure to take another deep breath on the way.

"Tash, you can't believe how sorry I am!" Evan tells me, and I know that it's tearing him apart. "First telling you that he's cheating on you when he is not, then kissing you and causing a fight between the both of you....I honestly don't know what's gotten into me."

"Don't worry Evan," I tell him placing a hand on his arm soothingly to ensure him that I'm fine. "Sure we got into a fight, but it's not entirely your fault I guess. These things happen."

"But you two love each other for Christ's sake!" He said running a hand down his face in exasperation.

"Look, I like to believe that things happen for a reason okay? If we are meant to be, then one day we will get back together again, so stop beating yourself up about it." I told him.

"Your taking this better than I thought." He says cautiously and then puts a hand on my forehead as if checking my temperature. "I honestly thought I'd be punched by now, at the very least screamed at."

I laugh slightly, "Well I'd do that, but I think Malak's done it for me."

He chuckles, "True, man that girl is stronger than she looks! I've been slapped by girls before but...damn."

"Now enough about me, who's the guy?" I ask and to my surprise Evan actually blushes.

"No one," He mutters.

"Oh come on, you are practically in love with the guy." I tell him teasingly.

"It's Paul." He tells me and to say I'm shocked is an understatement.

"Joe's friend Paul?" I ask and he nods. "Wow, I guess you do have good taste. Have you seen him in practice? Those abs are to die for!"

  Evan just blushed more and we both laughed, "Is this how it's gonna be from now on?" He asks making me smirk.

"Yup, pretty much."

"Ugh, I shouldn't have told you I was gay." He says.

"If I'm not mistaken," I inform him. "You weren't even sure except after you were repulsed by my lips."

"I wouldn't say repulsed exactly." He says and I jokingly hit him with a throw pillow that had been next to me.

"I've never seen you guys talking though." I tell him as I try to recall them being together.

"Well, I met him the day I moved here playing basketball in the park. It was nothing at first, but them he was also in, like, four of my classes and so we got to talking a bit in between classes and stuff. I started noticing stuff about him, like the small things you know, but I didn't think much of it I mean for all I know he likes girls...hell, for all I knew I liked girls as well. Then one night we both were at some college party a town over and well he was drunk, and kissed me. It was my first time getting kissed by a guy, but I actually liked it. It was then that my feelings grew, I wouldn't say I'm in love with him, but I like him a lot. He never brought it up though, and so neither did I." He explained kind of sadly.

"Can I ask one last thing though?" He nods. "Why me?"

  He runs a hand through his hair and looks at me as if he had almost expected that question, "Because throughout the times we hung out, I actually did feel something for you. I love you Tasha, really I do, I was just a bit mixed up about the type of love it was, I guess."

  Not really being the one to show emotions, I just gave him a quick hug and then pulled him up, "Now let's go back to my place."

Evan looked at me weirdly, "Not that I wouldn't love to, actually I won't, but didn't you just hear that whole speech about me not being interested in you like that?"

I roll my eyes at him, "Ha Ha, I wasn't asking you to get into bed with me! Malak, Joe and I are still having our talent show and I've kept them waiting long enough so let's go."

"Should I get my guitar then?" He asks.

"Yes! I didn't know you could play guitar!" I tell him excitedly.

"Yeah well, there's a lot you don't know about me." He tells me as he grabs his guitar from beside the front door - I hadn't even seen it there.

"Guess we'll just have to spend more time together till I find everything out then." I tell him smiling.

  Before I reach the door though, I am suddenly enveloped in a hug. "Thank you," Evan whispers in my ear, his voice filled with so much emotion that I feel my own tears pooling in my eyes. I didn't need to break down though so I just hugged him back tightly.

"Don't worry about it," I whisper back to him.

As we enter my house, going up to meet Malak and Joe, he pulls me back and I look at him questioningly.

"I can see how much he loves you in his eyes," He tells me and I almost beg him not to as I barely am able to keep my composure. "Please forgive him, because I know you'll regret it otherwise." I manage a small nod before Malak's voice calls us from upstairs breaking whatever seriousness was left in us for the rest of the night.

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