Chapter 21: "Let's talk about sex"

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"This is heavenly Mrs...Margret" He corrected at her pointed stare.

"Oh, thank you sweetheart, I'm glad you like it." She beamed.

"So let's cut to the chase shall we?" Nick says, to which I raise an eyebrow in question. "Did you have sex yet?"

"Nick!" My mum all but screamed as she tried to cover the twins' ears - which was hard to do with two hands. Meanwhile, I was too busy choking on the mouth-watering lasagne my mum had made as Josh rubbed my back.

Nick just shrugged, "It's a valid question, and we need to know his motives."

Josh rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "umm, no we didn't sir." If I wasn't still in a some-what state of shock, I would've probably been laughing at the thought of my brother being called 'sir'. I would've thought that answer would've satisfied Nick, but alas, it did not.

"Does that mean that you are waiting for that to happen and then you will leave my sister afterwards?" He asks.

"What? No!" Josh defends looking offended at the assumption. "I'd never -ever- do that to anyone, let alone your sister."

"Nick, that's enough for now." Dad warned him with a warning look.

"Fine." Nick relented as he went back to eating.

Dinner was uneventful afterwards with mum and dad just making small talk and asking basic questions about school, family and other topics like that. Nick's silence didn't last long though, for as soon as we finished dinner and moved to the living room as dad headed upstairs to get the twins ready for bed, while mum headed to the hospital for an emergency call, he was back with his interrogation.

"Have you thought about doing it though?" Okay, I've officially had enough of this.

"Bloody hell Nick!" I shouted. "You are totally over doing the protective big brother thing, not to mention that it really is none of your business what we do."

"What do you mean it's none of my business! Of course it is, and if he's going to hurt you then I'll be damned if I don't try to prevent it!"

As I started opening my mouth to argue, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked back to find Josh shaking his head.

"It's okay Angel, I have a younger sister so trust me when I tell I understand and respect what he's doing." He then looked at my brother who seemed to have calmed down a bit. "Look Nick, I'm ready to answer any questions you have honestly, but you should know that I adore your sister and have absolutely no intention of letting her go any time soon. I'm not gonna tell you I haven't thought about..umm...doing it with your sister, as I've had a crush on her for months now, and let's face it- she's gorgeous and I'm a teenage guy with hormones. I am though gonna tell you that I plan on taking very good care of her and can frankly even say that I an see myself falling for her a little more as every minute passes." I blushed as he looked at me with a gaze so intense, it almost made my knees week.

Nick looked thoughtful for a minute, as he and Josh seemed to have a staring contest, and then -to my utmost surprise and relief - smiled. "You know, mate, maybe your not too bad after all. Sappy, most definitely, but I guess that's not too bad."

Josh actually laughed as he shrugged, "Thanks man, I've been doing all kinds of sappy, cheesy stuff for your sister all day...might as well continue."

I looked from one to another with my mouth agape, "What just happened?" Both boys laughed at my bemused expression, leaving me pouting as they just laughed harder.

"Well, my work here is done so goodbye sissy." Nick waved as he headed to the door.

"What? Your leaving?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have an Economics paper due tomorrow that I haven't started yet." He informed me. "Dad I'm leaving!"

"Okay!" Came dad's reply from upstairs.

"You chose well this time, I like him." Nick whispered in my ear as he he gave me a hug. "Don't tell him though, someone has to keep him on his toes." I nodded with a smile.

"Take care of her." My brother warned Josh as he close the door behind him.

"Wow...that was...I don't even know how to describe it. I really thought he wasn't coming tonight though." I said sheepishly.

Josh pecked my lips as he pulled me next to him on the sofa, "It's okay Angel, like I said before, I understand why he had to do that."

I shook my head as today's events played into my mind and then stopped at a specific memory and smirked looking up at him. " really think about having sex with me?"

Josh chuckled as if he couldn't believe I was bringing that up, then looked at me a bit more serious and whispered, "All the damn time."

"Oh really now?" I edged closer towards him.

"Mmhmm," He mumbled as he put a stray hair behind my ear and brought his mouth down to touch mine. Just as soon as our lips were about to touch, we heard a cough making us leap away from each other in surprise. There in the hallway stood my father with a raised eyebrow, and though he looked mad as he stared at the scene, I could've sworn I'd seen a glimpse of amusement though it was quickly overpowered.

"You know Josh, I'd be very alert in this house if I were you." Dad warned. "You seem to have forgotten how I'm a lawyer and my wife a surgeon - quiet a dangerous combination I believe. Not to mention how the twins are going through a James Bond phase. If you were scared of Nick, cross me and I'll make sure he seems like an angel next to me, got it?"

Josh nodded, "Yes, sir."

"Good." My dad said, satisfied. "Now, there's a basketball game starting in five you wanna join?"

"I'd love to!" Josh said eagerly and then him and dad went into a lengthy conversation about the teams and the players that I was about ready to dose off by the time the game started.

"I'll get snacks." I told them, however neither noticed as they were engrossed in the game's events. I went to the kitchen and made some popcorn then grabbed three beers. My dad was pretty chill as long as I didn't drink excessively, plus he was aware of my high tolerance for liquor. As I went back to the dining room and handed them the drinks Josh looked a bit freaked out as he kept looking to the beer then my dad.

"No thanks," He said. "I'm still 18."

My dad then tore his eyes away from the t.v. and laughed as he looked at Josh whom looked confused. "Son, I maybe be old, but I wasn't bon yesterday. You can drink so long as you don't get drunk."

"Umm..okay." He said as he hesitantly took the beer from my hand. He looked so cute as he bit the side of his lip tentatively that I couldn't resist giving him a peck as my dad refocused on the game.

"I saw that." My dad's voice said, but I knew he was't really that upset.

"Sorry, sir." Josh replied taking a sip of his beer and I stifled a giggle. I honestly always found it hilarious when anyone was afraid of a member of my family - except my mum, she could give scary a whole new definition should she choose - as they were all really children at heart, especially my dad if he wasn't in work mode.

A minute later Josh, seemingly forgetting any embarrassment he had maybe felt, and dad were back to giving the game their undivided attention as they shouted at the screen and drank beer while I sat there throwing popcorn at my unsuspecting, preoccupied victims.


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