Chapter 26: "Love Love Love"

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A few days have passed since Josh came to my door and to say I was depressed would probably be an understatement. I wished I could've told him I loved him too and just forgave him, but I couldn't. I can't. Right now, I seriously hated my stubbornness and pride. It also happened to be Valentines day (yay me) and when I could've probably expected a gift a week ago I was now dreading walking through the school hallways to watch all those couples rub in my face what they have and I don't. I never really minded Valentine's Day before but this year I had made an exception.

"How you doin'" Malak asked as she slung an arm round my shoulder. She was wearing a cute red dress that reached her knees and a black cardigan on top along with - of course - a heart pendent and black flats. Her hair was in curls reaching the middle of her back and overall she looked adorable.

I sighed, "Better, I guess."

"You should've told him." She told me quietly. Over the weekend she had come over and I had told her everything, and all she kept repeating was that same sentence.

Deciding to change the subject I asked, "Where's Joe?"

"Somewhere with his team. The coach wanted to talk to them." She answered waving her hand dismissively. "The important thing is...what are you wearing tonight?"


"Umm yeah...the girls ask boys party - also known as Valentine's Day party." She said in that "duh" tone of hers.

"I'm not going..." I trailed off already expecting her outburst.

"What? Why?" I was about to answer when she interrupted. "If you say it is because you don't have a date or you are oh-so-heartbroken than I suggest you look for a better excuse. Don't even think of saying you don't have a dress, because I know you have plenty that look great and you've never worn."

Right then the first bell rang. "I have to go to class, but know that you are going, I am picking you up so be ready, and that is final!" With that she turned around and rushed to class leaving me standing there - mouth agape - in the middle of the hallway knowing I didn't have a choice anymore and that I was going to the party.

Before the second bell had rung, I had arrived to class mentally preparing what I'm going to wear since I had absolutely no idea.


"Good morning class!" Mr said. "In honour of Valentine's Day, today's debate will be about the existence of love - any volunteers?"

I looked around seeing quite a few people raising their hands and decided to slouch in my seat as to not get picked. From the corner of my eyes I could see Josh was thinking along the same lines. It broke my heart to see him this miserable, but I really didn't know what to do. He didn't trust me, so how was I to know I could trust him to not do that same mistake again?

"Tasha and Josh," I snapped back to reality upon hearing my name and looked at our teacher in confusion.

"But sir, our hands weren't raised." Josh argued.

"All the more reason for you guys to go." He answered. "When you are least prepared or willing but yet are forced to - that is when true improvisation and persuasion talents are observed. Not to mention you haven't been active for a few classes now, so come on."

Unwillingly we both got up in front of the class.

"Tasha you are against the existence of love, while Josh you are for. Each of you get three minutes that you can use as you please. We will start with Josh and then Tasha will rebuttal and so forth." He explained. "Josh you may start."

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