Chapter 10: "Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught"

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We got out of the bathroom just to bump into something - or rather someone.

“Sorry,” We said in unison. I looked up and saw it was Josh, who upon realising it’s me smiled.

“I was actually just looking for you.” He said.

“Oh really? Whatever for?” I asked smiling as well.

“Remember me promising to teach you how to ride a motorcycle?” He asked. Oh, yes! We hadn’t had time on our previous date and so decided to reschedule.

“But she kn-“ I looked at Malak willing her to shut up.

“Josh, this is Malak.” I introduced them to which they said hi and then Josh leaned in and whispered something in her ear, which in return made her burst in laughter.

   I got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach - jealousy. But seriously, why was I jealous? This was Malak! I suddenly knew how she felt when we went shopping that day. I decided to keep my jealousy at bay, knowing all too well that I had to get used to it and that it was really uncalled for - in this case at least.

Josh was pretty popular, not to mention with a reputation - not necessarily a bad one, but one that involved a lot of girls. He is nice and kind though, and - from what I’ve heard and seen - respects women, and doesn’t just want to get in their pants. When I went on that first date with him, I kind of forgot that - whenever I was with him actually. He was kind of a school Golden Boy with his grades, looks, body, and well…everything else like talented and sportish. He wasn’t the hottest guy here - even Even was hotter, I have to admit - but he certainly did not disappoint. 

“What about the motorcycle?” I asked when Malak was done laughing giving her a questioning look to which she shook her head, another laugh threatening to escape.

“Oh, I was wondering if I could teach you know since we have free period and then lunch?”

I looked at Malak, whom nodded her head eagerly but I still was’t sure if she was okay.

“Go,” she said. “I’ll make Joe keep me company.”

“But what if he’s with - “ I stopped when she held a hand up, which was probably for the best.

“Oh he better leave her to sit with me if he wants to be able to walk again.” She said while her eyes darkened a bit. I better give him a warning, I decided to do that once I left.

“Oookay, then,” I told her waving. “See you later!”

“See ya’” She waved back and I took Josh’s hand running and avoiding all students in the hallway.

“Someone’s excited.” Josh mused. I was panting and he wasn’t even out of breath!

“What can I say? I’ve always wanted to do this.”

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