Chapter 20 : " Hang in there baby"

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Just as we were about to drive away, I stopped Josh.


"What are you going to do with all the flowers?" I asked him as a random thought suddenly crossed my mind.

He scratched his neck, "Well, since I obviously can't fit them all on my bike, I guess they might use them at camp to decorate or something." He said. " Or they might just be left there since they were like 200 which is probably too much to care fo-woah."

I grabbed his hand and began to literally drag him back.

"Angel, why are we going back?" He asked tentatively as he looked at the probably creepy smile now present on my face.

"I'm feeling spontaneous!" I exclaimed giddily.

" what are we going to do exactly?" I almost laughed at how worried he looked.

"You'll see," I told him smirking as we entered through the gates.

"Back so soon, I see." Adrian noted looking between the both of us, clearly trying to suppress his laughter as I, literally jumping up and down with excitement, came in a bit out a breath while dragging a disheveled and confused looking Josh behind me.

"Adrian!" I beamed a bit cheekily. "Do you happen to have a car here?"

He nodded wearily then turned to Josh, "Should I be worried?"

"Very." Josh said earning a slap to his chest.

"Great! So what's the plan?" He asked and then we all got down to work.


"Seriously?" Adrian asked. "We came all the way here for this?"

"Think of it as your good dead of the day!" I told them as I grabbed a hand full of flowers from the back of the car.

We now stood in front of a huge mall near my house, each with about twenty flowers in our hands as we got ready to start our little game.

"Let loose Adrian!" Josh informed him laughing. "Think of all the people you'll make smile today."

"Whipped" Adrian muttered loud enough for us to hear. "What were the rules again?"

I squealed, "Yay! Okay so basically, we go around the mall and hand out the flowers to different people. We can only give one per person, and whomever hands out the most flowers in the next hour and a half...wins."

"You sure about this Angel, cause I'm pretty sure we are going to win." Josh said arrogantly.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?"

"Well, when you see good looking guys handing out flowers the girls will basically come running to however..." Adrian smirked, but it dropped when I smirked back.

"That might be true, however, you Adrian would probably be too busy trying to flirt and get their numbers, that you'd end up forgetting all your flowers." I informed him

"How do you I don't have a girlfriend? Honestly, that hurts right here." He fake pouts while pointing to his heart.

I raised an eyebrow, "Well, do you?"

"No..." He looked down in mock shame.

"Then point proven." I said smugly.

"Fine!" He said in defeat. "What about lover boy then? Will he be flirting too?" He pointed to Josh whom now looked like a lost puppy as panic rose in his eyes as he denied it.

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