You tied a double knot on your shoelaces, not wanting to have to tie them up again every five minutes.

Heading out the front doors, Seungmin led the way as only he knew how to get there.

Yeah, you forgot the way, but to be fair you were in a rush so you had no time to check the surroundings and the street signs.

You checked your wristwatch and saw that it was a little shy over thirty minutes past 10. Looking up ahead of you, you noticed that Seungmin (who had Chris to his right) was already steps away, so you picked up your pace, showing up beside him and linking your arm with his.

He instantly turned his head to you, generating a warm smile along with a small chuckle as he pulled you closer.

"Anything you've been craving for?" He asks you.

"I don't know. Yoghurt?" You kid with him and, thankfully, he didn't leave you hanging with a failed joke.

"But I'm not really craving anything, so I'm down for whatever."

"So, lamb meat?"

"I'm going home." You pretend to turn the other way and walk back, but was immediately stopped as Seungmin took a hold of your wrist, pulling you in front of him and wrapping his arms around your shoulders.

"I appreciate the hug, Min, but again, no public display of affection." You try to pry his arms off of you, but he resists, only tightening them more.

"Yeah, I'm not so comfortable either," Chris reacts, giving you both a side glare.

"Go hug him, he's not comfortabl-"

"Just let me have it this once, please? No one's here anyway," he cuts you off mid-sentence.

"Say that to the granny walking her dog over there."

"Min, that's not a dog. That's a child."

"Same thing."

"Well, that obviously wasn't the case when I said dogs instead of pigs."

"Chris, the saying says pigs. No one uses dogs."


"Can I come?"

"I thought you were guarding the table?"

Felix's once enthusiastic smile changed into a small pout, his head going down as he did so.

"But I don't want to be alone," he continues.

You guys had already made it to the market, and as expected, not a lot of people were there since you guys were pretty early. Finding a table, everyone split into two's to scope out the whole place since it would be faster. Seungmin and Jeongin were already on their way to buy drinks since they noticed a little store earlier, so it was up to the rest of you to buy the foods.

Unluckily for Felix, Chris told him to stay behind and watch the table, making sure no one places their bags on the already taken spaces. But that idea wasn't really fun if you knew you'd be alone while everyone else had someone to be with, so you kind of understood where Felix was coming from.

Truthfully, you were already considering taking the boy with you and Minho, but no one likes eating on the floor, right?

"We won't be far, Lix. Minho and I will be over there." You point to the Korean cuisine stand nearby, and Felix just nods his head forcedly while treading back to his seat sadly.

You watched as his crouched figure unwillingly sat down, resting his head on the table as he released a sigh.

"Min, let's go?" Minho calls to you.

poor felix 🥺
someone accompany that boy and give him a cup of yoghurt :((

poor felix 🥺 someone accompany that boy and give him a cup of yoghurt :((

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