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"WHAT?! I thought we're not related anymore? You just said we're not half brothers then how come we're still related to each other?"

Kai said in frustration. Kris just told them the truth, well, the first truth he has known. D.O sighed and teared up as he saw Kai's situation. Even him is suffering inside, but he doesn't wanna show it all up to him.

"It's because Krystal and your mother are half siblings! Your appa is Krystal's half brother. And still, you can't be together. And I am telling you, you two are cousins. You two are still related to each other!"

Kris made the two understand their situation. He has no choice but to tell them what really is the truth so that they can stop their feelings towards each other afterwards. Even though he's hurting for his nephew, he still has to do this because this is what is right.

"N..no! That can't be!"

Kai shouted and cried hard. D.O cried as well and caressed Kai's back. Kai faced D.O and hugged him tightly. He doesn't know why all of this is happening but all he knows right now is they have to be together, even though they're not applicable for each other.

"Kai... Please.. Stop."

D.O begs as Kai shouted uncontrollably. He's worried Kai would faint again because of his heart disease. He can't be tired and stressed. Because if he could, he could die.

"One more thing about your family, D.O."

D.O looked at him with a confused look. Kris sighed and looked at him with an awe.

"Your father, Myungsoo, and your sister, Taeoh, died because of your mother."

Kyungsoo's eyes widened even more when he heard what Kris just said.

"And Kai, that was the day when you were being tortured by Krystal. It all happened in the same day."

Kai dried his tears up and looked up to his uncle. He wiped the tears left on his face and looked at Kris directly. He signalled him to continue.

"One day, you went to the cemetery to visit your parents. You fell asleep beside them and you just woke up on a strange bed with bloods all over it along with the walls and other stuffs in the room. In short, someone kidnapped you--and it's Krystal. That time, Krystal was already--crazy. She wanted you to suffer as well together with your parents."

Kai shook his head while Kris continued.

"She tried to kill you. But she wasn't successful. And it's all because of Myungsoo and Taeoh. She was about to stab you in your chest for the last time but then Myungsoo was there to grab the knife and they fought for it but then Krystal gave her strength too much and that made her kick Myungsoo on his below body part and that was her cue to stab Myungsoo so that no one could stop her from killing you. But when she was about to kill you, you weren't there. But then, you were with Taeoh, she took you away from the building but suddenly, Krystal found you with Taeoh in the middle of the street, running away from her."

Kris started to tear up but the two just stared at Kris carefully. Kris stopped for a moment and looked at them.

"Taeoh didn't noticed that there was actually a truck passing by you and she was the one who got hit by the car because she pulled you away from it. She saved you, Kai. Taeoh saved you. Krystal blamed you that you are the reason why her husband and her daughter died. And when years passed, Krystal regret what she has done. But she is still blaming you, Kai. I knew all of this because I tricked Krystal. I hypnotized her to tell me everything that happened and she told me it. And Krystal is now at the mental hospital, the doctors are taking care of her by now."

D.O looked at Kai with a teary eye.

"I-i'm sorry for what my mother did to you, Kai.. I'm sorry."

D.O cries. Kris just looked at them with awe. He pity the both too much. They love each other yet they can't be together.

"Don't be sorry, D.O. You had nothing to do with it."

Kai hugged D.O. He cries as well but then a loud bang of the door stopped them.


Krystal wearing a hospital gown smirked and glared at Kai.


Krystal muttered while holding her gun pointing it to Kai which made Kai's eyes widened together with the two.

Is this already the end?


note; if you have any questions, just comment below and i'll answer it immediately. OR you can pm me. thank you!!

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