entry #12

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Entry #12


Dear jagiya,

Is this some kind of twist of fate or is this what you call karma?
As I went home I saw Krystal and Myungsoo having sex in our room. I clenched my fist and didn't hesitated to punch Myungsoo in the face.

Why did you do this to me, Krystal? I love you. I love you so much that it hurts that this is happening to me. I asked Krystal straight forwardly, I just wanted to know the truth, and nothing more.

"You want to know the truth, Jongin?! The truth is I don't love you! I never did! And I never will! I just used you! I used you to make Kyungsoo suffer until he dies! You want to know the truth between us? Kyungsoo is my half brother and he is the result of my father and his mother's betrayal! My mother died because of them and my father came with his familyleaving me alone. I live alone and Mr. and Mrs. Jung adopted me that's why I turned into this! I became a rebel. And I did this, everything, to make him suffer! To make him realize that if he never existed, my real family would still be complete! He stole my father... He killed my mother... He killed my family that I treasured for how many years. Did you get that Jongin?! You left Kyungsoo for me, and I will leave you for Myungsoo. This is what you call karma, Jongin. Everything that you do to other people will defiantly go back to you. Realizations always come in the end. And our story just ended now. And for you and Kyungsoo? It's already too late. Your story's about to end, Jongin. He's dying. Kyungsoo's dying and it's all because of you."

I don't know, jagiya. I don't know what to feel. I am so hurt.


PS. Is it already too late?

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