Ch. 21

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Marcus let go of me and I dropped to the floor. I looked at Marcus with a smile but he had an annoyed. I got the remote and turned off the TV. I looked back at the boys. They were now all spread out on the sofa. I sighed as I gave the blanket that I was using to Kol. I went upstairs and got two more blankets for Cameron and Blake. I put the blankets on them and turned around to see Marcus sitting down on the sofa in a little corner on his phone.

Maddi- so... i'm gonna go to sleep now.

Marcus- ok.

Maddi- umm so where are you going sleep? He looked up from his phone at me.

Marcus- is this your way of asking me to sleep with you?

Maddi- no i'm just wondering if your gonna go home or stay here...

Marcus- well i'm not going to leave you here alone after that happened. He said pointing to my arm when he said that.

Maddi- ooh calm down Marcus. She won't do it again.

Marcus- you don't know that Maddi. And i'm not going and you can't convince me to.

Maddi- ugh fine. Do whatever you want. I stomped up the stairs to my room. I went to my dresser and picked out some pajamas. You know the usual. An oversized shirt with shorts. I took of my clothes and threw them in the hamper and changed into my pajamas. Just as I was about to get into my bed, I heard my door open. I turned around and it was Marcus. Of course.

Maddi- what are you doing?

Marcus- sleeping. He said as he headed towards my bed.

Maddi- no the guest bedroom is across the hall. This caused him to roll his eyes at me.

Marcus- I'm sleeping I'm here Maddi. Like you said, I can do whatever I want.

Maddi- well have you never learned manners? You can't just do whatever you want. It's not your house. Our little argument went on for a while. But I was really exhausted and it was getting late so I eventually gave in.

Maddi- FINE! You can't sleep in here. I said as I fell on to my bed. I sat down leaning against the headboard. Marcus headed to my bathroom. I would've questioned him but I was serious okay too tired for that. After a few minutes he came back but without his pants. He was only his boxers. I widened my eyes in shock.


Marcus- shhhhh! It's almost 3 in the morning. Be quiet. He said as he walked over to my bed. I wanted to fight him. Say to him that he needed to get some pants. But there was no point. He would only do the opposite of what I'd say. I rolled my eyes as I got some more pillows. I put them in the middle of the bed as a line.

Marcus- what are you doing?

Maddi- making a line. So stay in your lane. And don't come on my side. I said while burying myself into my blanket. I layed in my side so that my back was to Marcus. Not so soon Marcus turned off my lights. He laid down on his side. After a few minutes, I was drifting off to sleep. Good night 💗


**** the next morning****

I slowly opened my eyes when I realized I wasn't in my room. I was in Maddis room. I looked to my side to see Maddi. Her head was laying on my chest as her hurt arm was resting on my stomach. My arm was wrapped around her waist. She looked so peaceful. I stared at her adorable face when I saw her eyes slightly open. She lifted her head from my chest. She looked up at me staring at her. She had a confused look on her face. She rested her head back on my chest.

Maddi- what time is it?

Marcus- a bit past noon.

Maddi- ugh Britney is suppos- she stopped talking as she suddenly sat up staring at me.

Marcus- what?

Maddi- you know I put those pillows there for a reason.

Marcus- yeah I know but I like it better this way. She rolled her eyes.

Maddi- I guess it's fine. Since you're my bestie and all. She said with a devilish smile. She got out of the bed heading towards the bathroom. I got up and followed her. When I walked in she was brushing her teeth.

Maddi- go away.

Marcus- geez. Someone's not a morning person

Maddi- nope I'm just not a you person. She said while putting her tiny hands on my back pushing me out of the bathroom. She got me out of the bathroom and slammed the door in my face. I went back to her bed and sat down. Her whole room smelled like her. I mean of course it would. What am I saying? She smelt like an angel. A mix of some vanilla and flowers. It really just smelt perfect. After a while she came back out and threw a brush at me. Her hair was now in a messy bun. I looked down at the toothbrush. It wasn't open yet.

Maddi- you know where the bathroom is. She said while sitting down on the bed. On "her" side. She got her phone. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put on my jeans from yesterday. When I walked out Maddi was still sitting down where I left her. She was typing down at her phone fiercely. She looked mad. Her eyebrows were furrowed. She finally slammed her phone down on her bed and got up. She went to her bathroom without saying a word to me. I followed her into her bathroom and stared at her. She undid her hair and was brushing it. I leaned against the frame of the bathroom door. I stared at her doing her hair with anger.

Maddi- what?!? She yelled at me.

Marcus- nothing. Just why are you so mad?

Maddi- I'm not.

Marcus- yes you are Maddi. Was it something with your mom-

Maddi- SHUT UP MARCUS! Stop acting like you know me. Like you actually know what's going on in my life. Like you'd even care. She snapped at me

Marcus- EXCUSE ME? I Have been trying but YOU never want to talk about it. So stop getting back at me. Ok? Cause I do care Maddi. I fired back. She turned to look at me.

Maddi- care? Really?!? You don't know what that word means Marcus. You're just a cold blooded killer! She yelled at me.

Marcus- Maddi just shit up. I said in a calm voice trying not to let my anger get the best of me.

Maddi- no I won't. Cause you really don't care. And last night. Last night was a mistake. She fired back. Those words burned. They only made me angrier.

Marcus- which part Maddison? The part where you kissed you brothers best friend knowing how much it would hurt him. I knew how much those words would hurt her. But she hurt me first.

Maddi- really Marcus? I only did it because I was hurt. I needed comfort. And you were the person who was there. I wouldn't have kissed you if it wasn't for that. And don't you even dare being up the amusement park. Cause I only kissed you then to save your a$$. But now looking back at it. I shouldn't have. I should've just let you kill them. Since that's what you are. A killer! And NO! That's not even the mistake. My mistake was even telling you on the first place anything about my mom or me. I was an idiot. And I'll admit it. What the hell was she trying to prove? She goes from the perfect peaceful girl sleeping to this demon in two seconds.

Marcus- then what do you want to do Maddi? HUH?
She turned and stood in front of me.

Maddi- nothing. I want nothing to do with you. And I apologize if I ever In anyway made you think that I liked you. But BYE. I don't need such toxic people in my life.

Marcus- ok then fine. It's clear. I'll walk through that door and walk out of your life. So much to besties. I said as my last words before slamming her door and leaving.

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