CH. 8

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She was stuck in a hard place now. On one side was her drunk friend that wanted her to drink. AND on the other side, was Marcus coming towards her. Who knows what she will do. She really didn't want to talk to Marcus right now after that and let's just say that she's not the best person when she is drunk.

Maddi- "you know I'll have that drink" She chugged the shot and she was disgusted. Marcus had now reached Maddi and saw her drinking.

Marcus- "maddi, your underage. and you don't deal with alcohol well"

Maddi- "HEY! I can let loose. Ok and i don't need a babysitter"

Marcus- "Maddi I don't even know-"

Maddi- "why don't you go to your hoe and stop bothering me?!??! OK!?!" Marcus was very short tempered so he walked away.

Britney- "did you just yell at Marcus?!"

Maddi- "yeah why?"

Britney- "maddi I know you guys are friends or whatever but he's dangerous. and when he gets mad, He gets MAD!"

maddi- "it's fine brit."

Britney- "Ok now let's go. I have some people i wanna meet."Britney pulled Maddi into the living room and Britney talked to some people.

Britney- "Ugh this party's boring. Where's the action? Maddi? What are you staring at?" Maddi was staring at Marcus. She looked mad and shocked. Her eyes were filled with anger. Marcus was now actually kissing "the girl". No actually not kissing, making out. He was trying to make her jealous.

Maddi- "he's trying to make me jealous. He is literally eating that girls face"

britney- "what?"

Maddi- "oh nothing." Maddi was still staring at Marcus and Marcus and the girl were still making out. Then the girl started sucking on his neck and Marcus looked over at Maddi with a smirk. Maddi had a fake smile on her face.

Maddi- "find me a boy"

Britney- "what?"

Maddi- "I need to make Marcus jeal-"

???- "Maddi?" Maddi turned around and saw a tall boy standing in front of her. He had green eyes with dirty blond hair that had brown roots.

maddi- "OH my gosh!! JEREMY!"

She said while hugging him. Yes she was trying to make Marcus jealous but that's not what she was thinking of right now. She did in fact have a crush on Jeremy.

Maddi- "what are you doing here?"

Jeremy- "i'm at a party like you."

Maddi- "sorry." she laughed. Omg is she blushing. They started talking. They were facing each other and holding hands while talking. and then they interlocked them. Maddi hadn't interlocked her fingers with someone until her ex boyfriend. her ex boyfriend, Axel. they hadn't ended on good terms. But Jeremy was different. Well he was different in Maddi's eyes. Maddi and Jeremy talked for a while and honestly forgot about making Marcus jealous. But then she looked over from the side of her eye and saw marcus. He wasn't making out with the stupid blonde anymore. He was drinking and he didn't look so happy. He was staring at Maddi and Jeremy. Maddi didn't really care right now.

Britney- "maddi..."

Maddi turned around and looked at Britney.

Maddi- "what is it brit? i'm talking to jeremy"

Britney- "well I dont think thats a good idea."

Maddi- "WHAt why?!"

Briteny- "well Marcus over there is giving your little boyfriend the death stare and I really don't think this is a good idea. SO maybe stop trying to make him jealous. I think you already succeeded."

Maddi- "I haven't even been trying to make him jealous. I actually like Jeremy. And I'm being rude so Sorry." Before Maddi could even turn around, she felt Jeremy put his hands on the him of Maddi's skirt pulling her to his direction. When she turned fully around, Jeremy and Maddi were so close they could hear each other's heartbeats. They were about to KISS!!!! He was about to do it!!! and maddi closed her eyes but then.... BANG!! Maddi opened her eyes and flinched. MARCUS PUNCHED JEREMY!!! Maddi was so shocked.


marcus- "oops." Marcus picked up Jeremy by his collar and picked up his fist and was about to punch Jeremy but Maddi grabbed his arm hoping he would stop. Marcus's jaw was clenched and he was furious. He looked over at maddi and maddi swore when she looked into his eyes, she saw flames. Marcus still punched Jeremy in the face and dropped Jeremy to the floor. The room was silent. They had stopped the music and everyone was staring. Jeremy was luckily still conscious but one more punch and he'd be a goner. But Marcus wasn't done yet. Maddi couldn't let Marcus kill him. Marcus picked up his fist in the air and...

Maddi- "MARCUS!!!" Marcus looked over to Maddi with eyes of anger.

Maddi- "I swear if you punch him one more time, YOU will NEVER SEE ME AGAIN!" Marcus heard that and dropped Jeremy to the floor. He stormed out of the room and slammed the door. Maddi was again stuck in a hard place. She had to make sure Jeremy was okay. But she also knew that if she let Marcus go like this he would definitely kill someone.

Maddi sighed that she knew what she had to do.

Maddi- "brit, watch jeremy." Maddi walked out of the house and looked for Marcus. She saw that Marcus was sitting in his car. Maddi walked over to the car and sat down.

marcus- "maddi. GET. OUT." he said through his teeth

maddi- "No?!"

Marcus- "MADDI! GET OUT!"

Maddi- "no. You're clearly drunk and mad. SO you shouldn't be driving."

Marcus-" i'm fine maddi but you won't be if you don't leave."

Maddi- "Marcus you are drunk and I'm not leaving because you're gonna kill someone.'

Marcus- "fine but don't tell me I didn't warn you." Marcus started the car and started driving. Maddi got pushed forward. She sat back again and put on her seatbelt.

maddi- "where are we going?" Marcus didn't respond. Marcus started driving even faster.

Maddi- "marcus slow down." Marcus didn't slow down. He was MAD. Maddi held on to the seat and her seatbelt for dear life.

****after a few hours****

Marcus and Maddi had been driving for a few hours. Marcus stopped the car and ended up at a beach. Maddi was sleep deprived but she couldn't fall asleep. Not knowing that Marcus could do anything in her sleep. Maddi looked around and saw they were at a hotel in front of the beach.

Marcus- "get out." Maddi got out of the car and could barely walk straight. She felt like her eyes were a thousand pounds. She got out of the car and followed Marcus into the hotel. Marcus waited in the lobby and went to the front desk to get a room. Maddi stood behind him.

Marcus- "hi can I get a ro- "He was cut off what maddi put her forehead on his back. Maddi was really sleep deprived and she fell asleep.

Marcus- "wth are you doing?" Maddi didn't respond. "Maddi?"

The mafias weaknessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz