CH. 29

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Tw- could trigger self harm. Please read at your own risk <3 and if you ever need someone to talk to, never feel shy to message me 

Marcus POV- I came out of the shower with just a pair of sweats on. I brushed my hand through my hair as I walked over to maddi. I picked up my phone that was next to her as I smiled lightly at her sleeping. No no no I can't be smiling at her- this ISN'T good. Why am I smi-

Marcus- what the f*** is that? I said out loud without even realizing as I stepped closer to maddi. I grabbed her hand not wanting to press on her wrists. Cuts. Is she suicidal?- should I call a mental hospital? Do I tell kol- WHAT THE F**K DO I DO?!? Oh my god. I couldn't help but walk around the room confused on what to do.
After about 15 minutes of getting my daily steps I finally had a plan.
I am going to not tell anyone because if she is slitting her wrists... she obviously didn't want anyone to find out. She- I'm not going to bring attention to it. But I'm gonna try to be by her side constantly for the next few weeks and see if anything happens... SH*T. How could someone so perfect do this. How could she do this.

I sighed before I slipped on a shirt sitting down beside her in the bed. I know I care. I hate that I care. I told want her to know I care. Why do I care. Ugh. I hate this.
I laid down as there was a few inches of space between us. I looked at her one last time before saying "it gets better love. I promise it does." Goodnight you cruel little world.

~~~a few hours later~~~

I opened my eyes which only felt like a few minutes later but I didn't come here to have a slumber party. Theres work that needs to be done...
I got ready in about 15 minutes but spent another 5 checking myself out. oh god don't let my sister hear that. She would- anyways.
I slipped on my shoes just as I was about to open the door, I realized I had another person to think about. Maddi. What am I gonna do with her today. I said I would stay with her for the next few weeks but I have to work. Am I gonna let her get in the way of which could be the biggest thing I do this year? Am I gonna let her have that powe- f**k it. Yes I am.
I walked over as I grabbed her face in my hands. I shook her face a little but dang is she a heavy sleeper.

Marcus- Maddi. Maddi. Maddi come on wake up we have a lot to do today... MADDI!- wake up. I said with a cheeky smile as she opened her eyes slightly as they adjusted to the light. Her eyes met mine for a second before she pushed me away. She never really was a morning person. She got up and went to bathroom. I kept looking at the time waiting for her to come outside. What if taking her so long. I don't have all day. I have to get the- I have things to do.

After what felt like forever, she came out. She was about to head to the door. Probably to get a new outfit since she was still wearing her dress which still smelt like the bottom of a bar. But she stopped in her tracks right before she twisted the door handle. Her eyes met mine again.

Maddi- will- um- can you come with me to my room? She said quietly. I tried not to make a face but I couldn't help but feel confused. Is she scared to be alone?

Marcus- yeah sure bur can you please hurry because I have a lot of things to get done today and I really would love to spend the day together and gossip about little old what was his name? Jeremy?! But I cant today Maddi because I have a lot of things to do like I said so please hurry. Okay? I said with one breath and one smile. She looked like she was trying to hold back a laugh as she nodded.
We walked to her room as she pulled out a key card out of her- SHE PULLED OUT A KEYCARD! She was walking painfully slow so I decided to put my hand on her back and make her walk faster but when I did I noticed she was trembling. But I cant say anything. I cant alarm her.
She quickly walked over to her suitcase and pulled out clothes.

Marcus- Maddi love did you not hear m-

Maddi- I HEARD YOU SHUT UP! She yelled as she went into the bathroom closing the door again but she opened it again. "Marcus sorry- but can you stay here?" I have never been so confused but I nodded. Of course I'd stay. I cant just leave when she's been- oh god. I don't even want to think about it. She smiled slightly before closing the door again. A few seconds later I heard the shower turn on. Oh my god how long is this gonna take. Should I go and see if the boys are up yet? Should I run a mile? Should I time her to see how long it takes her? Should I-

Maddi- okay I'm done. She said coming out of the shower. She had on an oversized shirt with jean denim shorts. Her hair was out as it looked like she had just washed it. She wasn't wearing any makeup as she was probably still recovering from her hang over. It was a very summer type of look. I stopped looking at her as I grabbed my phone.

Marcus- okay let's go then. I said going outside. The banged on all of the boys doors screaming for them to come outside. After a few minutes they FINALLY came. I gave all of them death stares. "We don't have ALL day" I said with a straight face and they all groaned as I started to leave the hotel.

I walked on to the street exploring New York City for a while. I wanted to seem like a tourist. I should buy a shirt. Hmmmm

Marcus- MADDI COME WITH ME! AND YOU IDIOTS WAIT FOR THE CAR TO COME! I said walking to a store as Maddi followed me. I grabbed a "I <3 NYC" shirt and put it up to Maddi. This looks tacky. Perfect. I walked to the register and got the shirt with a pack of gum. "Maddi put this on" I said snapping my fingers telling her to hurry as I put a stick of him into my mouth. Maddi put on the shirt with a disgusted look on her face.

Maddi- this is the only shirt you could pick?

Marcus- yes. Now Maddi you have a very important role today. You're gonna be my girlfriend for the day. Okay? 

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