CH. 20

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Maddi- please. She said quietly as her voice was breaking. A single tear dropping down her face.

Marcus- okok. shhh. I won't. He said while pulling Maddi into his chest. He stood there for a few minutes with a crying Maddi in his arms as he comforted her. But then they heard the front door open again. Then they felt the cold air from the outside world as someone opened the closet door. Maddi still in Marcus's arms couldn't see who it was.

Kol- maddi... are you ok? Maddi pulled away from Marcus's grasp as she looked at her big brother.

Maddi- yeah... i'm fine. She said while wiping away her tears sniffing every now and then. Marcus walked up to Maddi as he took her hand. Not her wrist, but her hand.

Marcus- come on Maddi. You gotta eat. Marcus pulled Maddi across the living room still holding her hand. Maddi looked down at their hands. She couldn't even remember when they interlocked hands. It was slightly interlocked but they definitely were.

Marcus- here, eat some ravioli.

Maddi- you don't have to treat me like a little kid Marcus.

Oh careful Marcus. Whatever you say could break or make this. But luckily. Marcus took a deep breath in and just didn't say anything. Wow. Decided to be mature.

Marcus- just eat it Maddi. Maddi got the ravioli and sat down on the seat and started eating. After a few minutes Marcus got his food and sat down next to her. He started eating his food looking at Maddi every now and then. Maddi noticed that he kept on looking at her.

Maddi- what?!

Marcus- nothing...

Maddi- then why do you keep staring at me

Marcus- calm down maddi.

Maddi- you're literally looking at me like I'm a ticking bomb that could go off at any second!

Marcus- shut up and eat Maddi. He said while putting his hand on her leg. Like it was just normal. I mean well it basically was at this point. So maddi didn't think much about it. Well she was thinking about a lot of things. But I'm not going to tell you. I'll let Maddi tell you. It'll sound better coming from her.

Maddi POV/thinking-

When I was eating and really even before that. I couldn't help but wonder if what Kol said was true. Does Marcus actually care about me? I mean I know he cares about me as he doesn't want me to die but Like i mean CARE. But He was being so nice and caring towards me. Like I don't think he has ever really hugged me this much in my whole life as he has in just one day. AND on top of that, he was being to touchy. Not like pervert touching but like comfort touching. Like you know a 'i'm here if you ever wanna talk' touching. Sometimes I even forget that he's capable of being kind. Just kidding... Kind of but kind of not. It was sweet. I'll say that. I could tell that this was his way of trying. It was sweet. It really was. When I was eating, not once did he take his hand off of my leg. Well thigh but leg. Whatever, you know what I mean. AND on top of that. He held my hand. Usually when he is taking me somewhere, he would take me by my wrist but he took me by my hand. Like we were a couple or something holding hands. OH NO! not couple. Why would I say that? I mean... ummm the most we could be is best friends. I could actually see us being best friends tho. He has potential. If he wasn't so cold all the time. But its nice. After we were done eating, it was around 11. The boys wanted to watch a movie so I decided to watch with them. I sat down in the middle of the sofa before any of the boys could. I got my phone and texted my bestie. Britney. She's one of the only people who knows how my mom gets. And she knew when I was acting and wasn't actually fine.

Maddi- hey Brit. Sorry I'm fine so don't worry.

Britney- no Maddi. You aren't fine. You might be physically fine but you aren't mentally fine.

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