Ch. 18

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I drove away from Maddi's house and there was only one thing on my mind. Why didn't I let her pay me back? Like if it was anyone else, I would have let them. But when she asked, it just felt awkward. And I felt bad. Why the he!! was I feeling bad? I shouldn't be. Right? No. I'm not going to obsess over this. I tried to take my mind off it and before I knew it, I was already home. I walked in and didn't even notice any body. I just knew one thing for sure. I needed to stop caring so much about Maddi. One of the worst things you can do in the Mafia is have a soft spot. All of a sudden, You're weak. And then people will only use that weakness against you. And don't even get me started on the person you have a weak spot for. If they find out, they will only take advantage of you. All of a sudden, they want you doing $hit for them. But I don't have time right now to be lost in my thoughts. I need to get stuff done if I'm gonna stay one of the strongest mafia's in the world. I went straight to my office. We have a new shipment coming in and for everything to go as planned, I need to be breathing down their necks or they never seem to get anything done. I spent most of my day in my office, going through paper work and doing some work on my laptop. Then at around 9pm, Kol came in. I looked up from my laptop at him. 

Marcus- what?

Kol- get ready, we're going clubbing. I sighed.

Marcus- no Kol. I have a lot of paperwork to go over

Kol- oh come on. Let loose Marcus. You're still only 21. You're acting like a dad. 

Marcus- fine. Give me a few minutes. I need a break from these papers. I got up from my seat and I could actually fu#$ing hear my back crack. I got up went to my room. Damn it. It smelled like Maddi. I tried to ignore the smell and went to my closet. I picked out some clothes and changed into them. I took my clothes and put them in the pamper. Where I saw the clothes Maddi wore yesterday. On me they fit perfectly but on her they fit like a dress. It was so fu$%ing cute. But I don't need somebody cute. I need a bada$$. And besides. She's too cute. Too pure. Too innocent. Too full of love. Too perfect. NO what the he!! am I saying? I just need $ex. I need to get my mind off her. I just need a slut for tonight. I fixed my hair after the long hair and went downstairs. I got my car keys and closed the door. The boys were already in their cars ready to go to the club. 

17 minutes later*****

When we got to the club, it reaked of alcohol and cologne. We went to VIP and sat down. I ordered some drinks and drank them. Then Blake came and sat down next to me. 

Blake- surprised to see you here

Marcus- WTH. Why?

Blake- I didn't think you'd be able to leave Maddi and come here. You grew a soft spot for her. 

Marcus- I did not. 

Blake- really? Then why aren't you hooking up with some girl... 

I stayed silent. I knew he was right but I still didn't want to speak that out loud. I stayed silent as I got another drink. I was officially drunk. I put down the glass and stood up. Blake stood up with me smirking. 

Blake- Fine. No need to get mad. Prove me wrong. 

Marcus- fine. I walked out on to the dance floor.  There were so many girls. All grinding or drinking. I was just walking when I felt some hands on my waist. I turned around and saw a girl standing there. She was blonde. She had on a short black dress with some stripper heals. With heavy makeup. 

???- hey there handsome. What are you doing here all alone?

Marcus- nothing just looking for a good night. Whats your name doll?

???- hi. Im Brenda. 

Marcus- well Brenda. I'm-

Brenda- I know who you are. You're Marcus De Marche. I know your dad.

Marcus- of course you do.

Brenda- what?

Marcus- nothing. Can I buy you a drink? FU@# I already forgot her name. But of course she knew me. All the girls only know me for my dad. For his money. They only want the last name. But what do I care? Its's not like I have to see her face again. I bought her a drink and she slurped it up. After that she got up from her seat and sat on top of me. She gave me puppy eyes as her hands were on my chest. She was practically begging for it. I hated that. If she wasn't sitting on me, I probably would've gagged. I tried so hard not to roll my eyes but before I even could she put her lips on mine. And ok... listen. I really did try. I tried to make the kiss perfect. I really wanted there to be a spark but there wasn't. I tried to hard for there to be. I put my all into it. But no it wasn't perfect. Maddi was perfect. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and pretend that it was Maddi. So I did...

Brenda- how about we take this to your house?

Marcus- huh? oh ok. She got up from my lap and followed me as we left the club. She got into my car as we drove off. Not once taking her eyes off me. Oh god. I was drunk. Very drunk. Probably too drunk to remember any of this in the morning. I was definitely too drunk to be driving. But whats the worst that could happen? Death? It's not that bad.  And truly I couldn't give less F$%KS if this BI#$H died. But I don't know how or why. But I thought of Maddi. She would kill me if she found out I was drinking this drunk. But Barbie didn't care. Oh sorry Brandy. I think. Before I knew it, we were home. I opened the door and before I could even turn around she got started kissing my neck. Ugh she really disgusted me. 

Narrator Pov- 

Ok so now its the next morning... I think you know what happened. I won't put you through it. Not yet at least. Nothing interesting really happened. Well... there was this one thing. Ok fine flashback. They were kissing, and doing stuff... And then she started sucking hi- I can't do this. You know what I'm talking about. And if you don't, please help in the comments. Ok well she was doing that  and then Marcus accidentally said. 

"oh god Maddi"  Uh thats awkward. Brandy sto- Oh sorry... Brenda, stood up and stared at Marcus. 

Brenda- what did you just call me?

Marcus- nothing. $hit. 

Brenda- did you just call me another girls name while we're having $ex?!?!

Marcus- yeah. Is there a problem cause the doors right there. Brenda stood there silent. Yeah thats what I thought. 

Brenda- fine. call me whatever you want. I don't care. 

So ok now its the next morning. That was well really just awkward. 

The mafias weaknessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora