Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Marlee talked with Mr. Calhoun, and he agreed to meet with us," Sky informs me through the phone.


"Tomorrow before rehearsal."

I groan. "Why not today?"

"I don't know, Indiana. I'm no happier about it than you are," he grumbles.

"I know, you're not a morning person. I'll take what I can get, though. Hopefully this will end the ordeal once and for all."

"I hope so, too," Sky says. "Oh, and Marlee says to tell you that she's not sure what time she'll be back tonight. Ben's taking her out on a date."

"Do you want to do something, since both of our roommates will be gone?" I question.

"Sure, why not?" He pauses. "As long as it involves staying in."

I shrug. "Fine with me. I'll see you in a little bit," I say, hanging up.

That night, Sky and I watch a movie and eat more snacks than we should. It's one of the first things to take my mind off of getting Josh back all week. We decide to watch as many of the Harry Potter movies as we can. We make it about halfway through the third movie before Sky announces louder than necessary that he's going back to his room to sleep. I decide to do the same, and I'm asleep before Marlee returns.

~ * ~ * ~

I wake up to Marlee quietly saying my name. "You have to get up if you're going to be ready in time," she says, already dressed. I get up and get ready. After everyone gets to the theater, our small group gathers outside of the small office that Mr. Calhoun is using.

When he opens the door, he's startled by the amount of people outside. "Okay, I can't fit all of you in here. In that case, I'll take whoever is necessary first. I believe that would be Miss Rhodes and Mr. Copes."

Marlee reaches out and gives my hand a squeeze as DeMarius and I enter the office. Mr. Calhoun closes the door behind us as we sit down in the two chairs in front of a desk.

"Now," he says as he sits on the other side of the desk. "I'm sure you both understand how serious this matter is. We've already had one cast member sent home."

"Yes, sir," DeMarius says, saving me from having to speak first. "We're here because we have proof of what KP did to Indiana."

Mr. Calhoun turns to me. "Miss Rhodes? I'd like to hear from you."

"Right." I nod. "I'm sure you know that I wouldn't just make up something like this."

"I certainly hope not," Mr. Calhoun says. "So you say this happened some time last week, during a show?" Both DeMarius and I nod. "Alright, let's see that proof that you came in here to show me."

DeMarius turns his camera on, finds the video, and hands it to Mr. Calhoun. "If you fast forward a little bit, past Ben and Zach, you'll get to the part we're talking about." Mr. Calhoun does just that, and I realize I'll have to listen to it happen. DeMarius must realize the same thing because he turns to me, sympathy all over his face. Instead of listening, I pick at a loose thread on the hem of my shirt in an attempt to distract myself.

Finally, Mr. Calhoun finishes the video. After a few long seconds of silence, he hands the camera back to DeMarius. "I've seen all I need to see. Thank you," he says, standing and opening the door.

DeMarius and I leave, and as we join our friends, I notice KP standing there coolly. "Mr. Parker," Mr. Calhoun says, drawing KP's attention away from me. "Let's have a talk." Once the office door closes and KP goes inside, I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"Well?" Sky asks. "How did it go?"

"I don't really know," DeMarius admits, looking at me.

"He was kind of vague, but he said that it was all he needed to see. So, maybe it'll be enough," I say, trying to stay hopeful and act as if I hadn't just listened to a recording of the most terrifying night of my life.

"All we can do is wait," Ben says.

As I'm sitting down with my friends, I get a text from Olivia, the stage manager. "Olivia says she wants everyone on stage to run through Carrying the Banner," I announce.

"I'll stay with you," Marlee says as the other boys stand up. "They don't need me that much." I give her a grateful nod as we're left alone. It feels like an eternity before Mr. Calhoun reemerges from the office, KP following.

"Miss Rhodes," Mr. Calhoun calls me. "I'd like to speak with you again, please." Marlee gives me a nod as I reenter the office. Mr. Calhoun takes his seat with a deep sigh. "I'm sorry this had to happen, Indiana. I'm just glad you were able to get all the proof you need. Now, the last thing I want is to have to draw the authorities in here and launch an investigation. I saw very clearly what happened. I'm going to make a proposition."

"Okay," I say quietly, waiting to hear what Mr. Calhoun means.

He pauses for a few moments, but then continues, "I think it would be best, especially for the company, if we kept this as quiet as we can. Here's what I can do for you. If you agree to not tell anyone about this, I can give you a promotion. Mr. Parker has already been let go, and I'm prepared to offer you the position he previously held."

"You're bribing me?" I say the question more like a statement.

He sighs again. "I don't think any of us want to get the police involved. As long as you agree to the terms, we can proceed like nothing happened. Can you do that?"

I don't want the police to get involved either. I'm not sure if taking a bribe is right, but KP is gone, I'll get a promotion, and the media won't know a thing. I nod slowly. "I can do that."

"Good." Mr Calhoun relaxes visibly. "Thank you, Indiana. There's some paperwork that you'll have to sign and then everything should be in order." I stay a few minutes as he gets the papers. I glance over them and sign my name. "Once again, I am so, very sorry that this had to happen," Mr. Calhoun apologizes.

"What about Josh?" I ask.

Mr. Calhoun nods. "Right. I'll work out the official details later, but I think it would be good if he heard from you about getting his job back."

"He's coming back?" I ask, wanting clarification.

Mr. Calhoun nods again. "If he is still interested, yes."

When I exit the office, Marlee is still outside. She looks up hopefully, but I turn to Mr. Calhoun. "Thank you," I say. With a nod, he goes back into his office, I tell Marlee that Josh is returning, and Marlee lets out an excited squeal. She practically crushes me in a hug.

"Call Josh!" She urges. I happily take out my phone and dial his number as Marlee and I slowly begin the walk to stage so she can rehearse.

I shake my head as I'm eventually sent to voicemail. "Voicemail," I tell Marlee, deciding to leave a message. I tell him to call me back when he gets the chance.

We reach the stage, and I decide to sit in the audience and watch them rehearse. Even though I still haven't seen the show all the way through from the audience, it's not the same without Josh. They run through several songs out of order. About halfway through The World Will Know, Josh calls me back.

I slip out into the main lobby as I answer. "Hi."

"Hey, Indy. It's good to hear your voice." We've only texted since he left. "How'd the meeting go?" Josh asks.

"That's what I'm calling about. Mr. Calhoun says he'll talk with you about the details, but he wanted me to tell you that you are officially un-fired." I smile more than I have in a long time.

"You're kidding!" Josh cheers. "Where can I meet you guys?"

"I don't know, you'll have to ask Mr. Calhoun about that," I say.

"I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out. I can't wait to see you." I can practically hear the smile in his voice.

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