Chapter Twenty-Five

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After the show that evening, I recieve a text from Marlee.

Marlee Granger

<< Would you rather
me come, or someone else? >>

<< It doesn't matter >>

<< Josh would like to
come. Is that okay? >>

I sigh quietly. Of course Josh wants to come over. I don't really mind, but I know he'll try to figure out what happened. I would turn Marlee down, but I don't know if I want to spend another night by myself.

<< That's fine >>

Within the next fifteen minutes, Josh arrives at the door. He quietly comes in and sits on the other bed. Marlee must have told him not to ask many questions.

"How were the shows?" I ask quietly, looking over at him.

Josh shrugs. "They were okay. The first show didn't go as well as the second one, though. At least not for me. My mind was on other things."

I raise my eyebrows. "Other things?"

He blushes darkly. "I was concerned about you. You weren't acting like yourself, and it worried me."

"Well, I'm okay. There was no reason to worry."

"Are you sure?" Josh looks at me. "Indy, I don't know what happened, but there was definitely a reason to worry. I know you talked to Marlee, so I'm not expecting you to talk to me. But can I ask a few questions?"

Of course. Josh always has questions. With a sigh, I nod. "A few, Josh. A few."

"I know that something happened during the show. Ben said you were in our dressing room. Did you get a call or something?"

"Something," I murmur. I hadn't planned on telling Josh, but it looks like he has half of it figured out already.

Josh is quiet, thinking over my answer. "Olivia said something about you in the dressing room last night," he mumbles. Suddenly, his eyes widen. "Indy." I turn to meet his eyes. "Did something happen with KP?" When I don't say anything, he asks, "Did he hurt you?" His voice is low, containing an emotion I've never heard from him before: anger.

"Josh," I start, sitting up. "Please don't do anything crazy. I'm going to talk to Mr. Calhoun and get everything worked out." Although, I wouldn't mind KP getting what he deserves.

Josh's silence isn't just irregular, it's out of character. This silence is tense and angry.

"Josh, please," I beg. The look in his eyes scares me. "If you do anything at all, just wait until tomorrow. It's late and you've just had a two show day. I'm going to get some sleep. You should too, there's a show tomorrow night."

"Fine. You're right," he says softly, getting up to leave.

"Wait." I sit up, beginning to grow embarrassed. "Do you think you could stay the night? I don't want to be by myself."

He nods, sitting back down on the other bed. "Yeah, of course. I'm not going anywhere."

For the next little bit, I listen to Josh talk about the show and the antics of his friends. I end up falling asleep before he can finish, though.

Good as Gold // Josh BurrageWhere stories live. Discover now