Chapter Eleven

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The bus ride to Washington, DC, isn't long, so I don't get any sleep. It's almost impossible to get rest when the whole bus is buzzing with excitement about Halloween. Someone's already planned a party to take place later that evening.
"I don't know what I'm going to go as," Josh says to Nick, who's sitting behind us. Everyone's planning on blowing their most recent paycheck on costume items.
Nick shrugs. "Since we don't have a whole lot of time to buy expensive costumes, I think I'll just be a pirate."
Josh sighs. "Boring." He sits back down in his seat and turns to me. "What are you going to dress up as?"
"I don't know," I admit. "I've never really been into Halloween. I'll see what I can find."
"Huh." He turns back to talk to someone else, but suddenly gasps. "I know who you should be!" Josh exclaims. "Please dress up as Indiana Jones."
"No," I say firmly.
"Oh, come on," Nick pipes in from behind. "You have the same name. It's perfect."
"Please?" Josh begs again.
I shrug with a shake of my head. "I don't want to. Plus, I don't have a leather jacket. Do you know how expensive those things are?"
"I have one!" Marlee offers from her seat across the aisle. Since when has she been listening? "And I bet we can find everything else without a problem."
Looking around, I see the eyes of many cast members watching me, waiting for a decision. They're going to bug me endlessly until I say yes. With a heavy sigh, I agree. "Fine." A small cheer erupts from the section of seats surrounding me.
"We'll make sure you have everything you need," Josh assures me, and as the conversation continues, he looks on his phone for ideas.
"Marlee and I are going as Danny and Sandy from Grease," Ben says when someone asks.
"I think I might go as Robin Hood," Sky suggests, earning agreement from his friends. "Josh, have you found anything yet?"
He nods. "Yeah. I think I can do Han Solo." Josh smiles.
"Indiana Jones and Han Solo?" I question, raising my eyebrows.
"Hey, Harrison Ford plays very likeable characters!" Josh defends. "Don't hate on his work." This conversation continues for another half hour, ending only when we reach our destination.

On the way in, I find KP walking next to me. "Are you going to the party?" He asks. When I nod, he continues, "What are you dressing as?"

"I guess you'll just have to see." I shrug.

My response makes him smile. "I guess I will." Someone calls his name. "I'll see you later, Indiana." With a slight wave, he leaves me alone.

"Hey, Indiana," Marlee says, coming up to me with two room keys. "We're in a room together. That means we can help each other get ready for the party." She hands me one of the keys. "Come on. We should get everything to the room if we're going to look for costume pieces."

Marlee and I head upstairs to find our room. Once we're inside, Marlee pulls the leather jacket out of her bag. I unzip my suitcase, pulling out articles of clothing I can use for the costume. I find a white button-down shirt and a pair of khaki shorts.

"What else do you need?" Marlee asks.

"I think I have everything but the hat." As she takes out her phone to ask around, I say, "Good luck."

However, five minutes later, she smiles triumphantly. "Aha! Anthony has one. He says you can borrow it. Room 204."

"I'll be right back, then." I leave our room and walk down the hall in search of Room 204. When I find it, I knock.

Anthony opens it a few seconds later, the hat in his hand. "Here." He smiles as I take it. "I trust you not to ruin it."

"Why do you even have this?" I examine the hat, curious.

He shakes his head. "Don't ask. I'll see you later at the party. You're welcome!" He chirps before closing the door back.

Marlee is sitting on her bed when I return. "You got it?" I hold up the hat in response. She smiles. "Perfect. I'm going to run out to grab some pants. Do you want to come?"

"What, you mean you didn't bring black leather pants on tour? Lame," I joke with a slight smile. "But yeah, I'll go."

Marlee grins. "Ha ha. Now, let's go so I have time to curl my hair later."

Good as Gold // Josh BurrageWhere stories live. Discover now