Chapter Three

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Marlee introduces me to anybody and everybody that walks past us. I'm not able to keep up with all of the names and introductions that are thrown my way. Finally, Marlee seems to have introduced me to everyone currently in the building. She's disappointed that a few people in particular aren't there, but that doesn't dampen her spirit.
"So, are you just like this all the time?" I question as she goes back up to her dressing room.
"Like what?"
"Happy. Friendly." I lean in the doorway of the dressing room as she leans the crutches on the counter.
She sits down with a sigh. "Sometimes. It just so happens that I've had more than one cup of coffee this afternoon. Don't worry, I'm not usually this perky." She laughs softly. "I'll be a little less hyper most of the time."
"Good," I mumble. I turn to see one of the newsies, a redhead, on his way to Marlee's dressing room. Great.
"Hey, Marlee," he calls, joining me in the doorway. "Josh, Ben, and I are headed to grab some food. You want to come?"
She nods. "Yeah, sure."
He turns to me. "Do you want to join?" He gives me a small smile.
I sigh. "Look, I don't even know your name-"
"Sky," he interrupts me. "I guess you didn't catch everyone's name at once, huh?"
"No, I didn't. As I was saying before you interrupted me, I think I'll just head back to my apartment." I've had my fill of social interaction for the day.
Marlee grabs her crutches and stands back up. "Come on, it'll be a good chance to make some friends."
The promise I made to Maya echoes in my head. I said I would make at least one friend. With a heavy sigh, I say, "Fine."
Sky smiles. "Cool." He glances at Marlee. "Josh will be excited," he adds before leaving.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"He just gets excited when he meets new people," she says with a shrug. "Come on, let's go."
I follow her out the door, and we meet up with the three boys. Marlee walks with Ben, who I assume is her boyfriend. They walk behind the rest of us since Marlee can't move quickly on her crutches. Unfortunately, the other two boys seem to be unable to walk quietly.
"So, you're Marlee's assistant?" Josh speaks up.
"Kind of," I answer. "Mr. Calhoun says I'm mainly helping her out, but I'm floating around and helping with other things too."
"Cool," Sky comments. "I think I speak for all of us when I say that we're excited to have you join us." Josh nods enthusiastically.
I just nod once. Thankfully, we reach the small restaurant soon so I don't have to talk anymore. They all get food, but I just order a drink.
"Where are you from, Indy?" Josh asks, using the nickname I specifically said he was not allowed to use.
"Texas," I answer shortly.
"Why did you come to New York?" Marlee gives me a small smile, trying to keep the conversation going.
"I took some classes at NYU, but my boyfriend convinced me to drop them," I say, trying not to go into the details.
"You have a boyfriend, then?" Josh questions. He's visibly deflated since I last looked at him.
"That's none of your concern," I snap, looking away from his shocked expression. I make it through the rest of the meal without many more questions. On our way back to the theater, Marlee requests that I walk with her.
"Indiana, you may not be the most extroverted and friendly person, but it wouldn't kill you to be nicer," she says, her voice low so the boys don't overhear.
"It could, you never know," I reply.
She gives me a look. "All I'm saying is I would take it easy, especially since you don't want to go through the whole tour without friends."
I'm about to argue her point, but once again remember the promise I made to Maya. At least one friend. I don't know if I have any right now. Letting out a sigh, I say, "Fine. I'll lighten up a little bit."
Marlee smiles happily. "You won't regret it."

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